Syrian refugees returned to Turkey since the EU-Turkey deal

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Dear Permanent Representation of Greece to the EU,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

After one year of the EU-Turkey deal to tackle the migrant crisis which formally come into effect the 20th March 2016, I would like to know how many Syrian refugees have been returned to Turkey.
According to Frontex, "With regard to operations at sea, Frontex is assisting Greece in the readmission process. These operations are not joint return operations, it is the Greek authorities who are in charge of the whole process".
As a result, I ask you for the number of refugees on the Greek islands returned to Turkey with detail of:

-Date of the return
-Cost of the return operation
-Company in charge of the return operation
-Total number of returnees per operation
-Nationalities of the returnees
-Ages of the returnees

Also, I would like to know, how many asylum seekers in Turkey have found a home in Europe in exchange with detail of:

-Date of the asylum approval
-Nationalities of the returnees
-Ages of the returnees
-EU destination country of the asylum seeker

If any of the data is not available, I ask for the information as you have it in your databases in order to avoid any extra work.

Yours faithfully,
