Task force for better implementation 2.1

La demande est partiellement réussie.

Dear Regional and Urban Policy,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

The European Commission set up a task force in late 2014 to look into low absorption rates of EU funds, by certain member states.

I understood there was a report, giving a country-by-country analysis, as referred to here: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/p...

However, in your last FOI response to me you said a report was not produced.

Could you therefore list all the documents you have that relate to analysis of why the following countries Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia have low absorption rates of EU funds.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Harris
56 Quai Rambaud
69002 - Lyon,France

Politique régionale et urbaine

20 Attachments

Dear Mr Harris,


Please find attached a reply to your request for access to documents.


Best regards

Elisabeth Rotella


[1]Description: cid:709421412@28022012-1E52

Elisabeth Rotella


Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy
Unit DGA2.01 – Better Implementation


Avenue de Beaulieu 1, BE-1160 BRUXELLES
BU 1  01/183
BE-1049 Brussels/Belgium



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