VAT for Digital Services

La demande est partiellement réussie.

Dear Taxation and Customs Union,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

With regards to the EU regulations on VAT for digital services which came into force in January 2015

As there is general recognition that different EU countries have different levels of efficiency when it comes to collecting taxes.

Please could you tell me if there is any data or documents regarding the collection of VAT from the sellers of digital products in the 28 EU countries and the payments to the Tax authority in the buyers country.


Yours faithfully,


Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your request for access to documents.

Note that your postal address is required for registering and handling your request in line with the procedural requirements. Please send us your full postal address at your earliest convenience. Pending your reply, we reserve the right to refuse the registration of your request.
You may, of course, use directly the electronic form for entering your request:

Best regards,


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Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

2 Attachments

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your request dated 08/10/2015.  We hereby acknowledge
receipt of your application for access to documents, which was registered
on 08/10/2015 under reference number GestDem 2015/5275.


In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application
will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on
29/10/2015. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be
informed in due course.


Yours faithfully,

Sabine Verleysen
DG TAXUD R2 - Access to documents


From: Andreas Pavlou [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2015 10:10 AM
Subject: Postal address for 'VAT for Digital Services' request


Dear TAXUD Access to Documents Team,

A requester using has forwarded us his postal address after
you asked for it

John Cole

[postal address]

[postal address]

[postal address]

[postal address]


Please only continue to use the email address:    
[2][FOI #2316 email]  for this specific request.

Many thanks


Andreas Pavlou
Campaigner Researcher
Access Info Europe | [3]
Phone: +34 913 656 558
Twitter: [4]@andreaspavlou [5]@access_info [6]@asktheEU


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Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

Dear Mr Cole,

We thank you for your request.

Please find hereafter an internet link where you can access the documents of your interest:

Best regards,

Sabine Verleysen
Access to documents

Afficher les sections citées

Dear Taxation and Customs Union,

Thanks for the reply but with regards to
Digital Single Market Commission presentation

The report ranks the top five countries who have collected and received the most tax. So it must have information on the how much tax has been received and collected by all 28 EU countries

As the report says compliance is a concern.

Please can I have the documents that show the tax collected/received and the number of companies registered for all 28 countries.


Yours faithfully,


Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Cole,

We thank you for your request.

Please find herewith our reply.

Best regards,
Sabine Verleysen
European Commission
Access to documents

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Dear Taxation and Customs Union,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Taxation and Customs Union's handling of my FOI request 'VAT for Digital Services'.

As different EU countries have different levels of efficiency in collecting taxes it is in the public interest to see how much VAT is being collected and received by each country.

The reason given for failure to disclose this information is commercial interest and confidence.
There is no need to disclose any commercial data or information. I have only requested the sums of Digital VAT collected and received by each country.

Please explain how is it possible to ascertain commercial information from national statistics?

It is apparent that these figures are easily available as the 28 countries have been ranked.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:


Yours faithfully,


Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

Dear Mr Cole,

Thank you for your email dated 10/11/2015, registered on 10/11/2015. I hereby acknowledge receipt of your a confirmatory application for access to documents (ref.: Ares(2015)4975076 – GestDem 2015/5275).

In accordance with Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, you will receive a response to your request within 15 working days (01/12/2015).

In case this deadline needs to be extended, you will be informed in due course.

Best regards,

European Commission
Secretariat General
Unit SG.B4 – Transparency

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Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Cole,


Please find attached a letter concerning your confirmatory application for
access to documents under Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 – GESTDEM


Best regards,



[1]ec logo
European Commission
Secretariat General
Unit SG.B4 – Transparency




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Direction générale de la fiscalité et de l’union douanière

4 Attachments


Dear Mr Cole,


Please find attached a preliminary copy of the answer concerning your
submission of a confirmatory application pursuant to Regulation (EC) N°
1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and
Commission documents, ref: GestDem 2015/5275.


NB: The original note will be sent to you by registered post; annexes only
transferred by email.


Best regards,



[1]ec logo
European Commission
Secretariat General
Unit SG.B4 – Transparency




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