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Printed from on September 08, 2024 05:26
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
We are writing concerning your request for access to Commission documents
registered on 03/05/2024 under case number 2024/2316.
On 03/05/20...
Our reference: 2024-0407
Dear Mr Keane,
Thank you for contacting the Transparency Unit of the European Parliament.
Further to your application su...
Dear Mr Keane,
Thank you for your email dated 16 April 2021.
We would like to inform you that preparation for the publication of the
individual re...
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your request for access to documents.
Unfortunately you have not indicated your postal address that is required for registeri...
Please find attached an advanced copy of a reply to the correspondence
with the European Commission.
Best Regards
European Commission
Dear Sir,
Please find attached a scanned version of a letter sent to you only by
Best regards,
Les commentaires de cette personne
Aucune demande.