This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 30)
Please find attached a reply to correspondence to the European Commission.
Kind regards,
Secretariat C1
European Commission
DG Justice
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your request for access to documents which has been
registered under reference Ref. Gestdem 2013/6224 by the Secretariat
OUR REF: A13997/MJC/en
Dear Mr Stabenow,
Following your message, please find attached the requested document.
Best regards,
Transparency - Public A...
In point 3.3.3. of OLAF letter it is stated :...
Dear Mr Stabenow,
In your emails of 5 and 12 November 2013 you have requested access to documents
1) relating to a call for tender on data collection...
Dear Mr Stabenow,
On 2) please refer to Art. 176(4) of Commission Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 laying down detailed rules...
Thanks for this reply. As to the possibility to make an internal review, this is envisaged in the electronic version of AskTheEU application. As all...
Veuillez trouver ci-joint le document Ares(2013)3459821 concernant "Application for access to documents - Ref GestDem Nr 2013/5263" envoyé par M/Mme TA...
Dear Mr Stabenow,
You are quite right, the Fundamental Rights Agency is the successor of the
former 'European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xen...
points 1 and 3 transferred to OLAF
Dealt in the frame of confirmatory application of 7th October, 2013
This is the only reference available: request 840 - response 3133 - as you can see
Dear Sir,
I suggest that in order to ultimately obtain the documents about ILGA you are requesting the money trail be followed. The idea is that eve...
This is a follow up on my request registered under number THOR(2013)23286. I would appreciate receiving a response.
Yours faithfully,
Mike Stab...
I am writing to follow up my request of August 28, 2013. I received a letter from OLAF dated 11 - 10 -2013 which contains information about some ong...
Thank you very much for your letter. I would like to follow your recommendation and to this end I request additional clarifications on your point 3....
Dear Mr. Stabenow,
By email dated 2 October 2013, you submitted a confirmatory application in
accordance with Article 7 of Decision No 12/2005 Decis...
Dear Mr. Stabenow,
Please find enclosed a reply to your request for access to documents No.
2013-4488, as well as the documents that can be disc...
This is a reminder for the pending reply I am awaiting form you on my confirmatory application dated 10.09.2013.
Yours faithfully,
Mike Stabenow...
Our reference: A(2013)11729/MJC/en
Dear Mr Stabenow,
In reply to your request received on 29 September we inform you that
item 14 of CONT committee m...
Our reference: A(2013)11192/MT/en
Dear Mr Stabenow,
We are hereby responding to your request received by Parliament on 18 September 2013 for access...
Dear Ms Ingeborg Gräßle and Ms Monica Luisa Macovei
In relation to your several questions published at
Dear Mike Stabenow
Thank for this clarification of your request. If I understand your question correctly, you would like to have access to the documen...
Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access under Regulation 1049/2001.
Do you know by any chance where I could access the list of all contracts of European Commission with Danish Institute ? Are there an online list, ce...
Les 17 commentaires de cette personne
on 29 October I received this text from OLAF:
"Dear Mr Stabenow,
We refer to your request for access to the documents dated 7.10.2013.
Your appli...
points 1 and 3 transferred to OLAF
Dealt in the frame of confirmatory application of 7th October, 2013
The time limit will expire on 19/11/2013
Dear Mr. Tasos Ntetsikas,
Thank you very much for your annotation. That is very documented and useful. I will submit soon to OLAF a confirmatory appli...
deadline - 07 / 10 / 2013
In the Specifications for Call for proposals JUST/2012/PROG/AG/AD available here http://www.askthe...
New Time Limit - 9/09/2013
deadline 11 September 2013
Time limit - August 14, 2013