Printed from on September 07, 2024 12:07 est une plateforme digitale qui aide les citoyens à envoyer des demandes d'accès aux documents directement aux institutions de l'Union européenne.
Faire une demande Plus d’informationBram Vranken is a researcher and campaigner with the Belgian peace organisation Vredesactie. He works on topics related to arms lobbying in the European Union and the international arms trade. Alej...
Vicky is a campaigner for Corporate Europe Observatory, a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and lobby groups in E...
Adrián Blanco Ramos is a graphics reporter at The Washington Post. He previously worked as a data journalist at El Confidencial, focusing on data visualization, data analysis and investigative journa...
Mark is a researcher at Stop Wapenhandel (Dutch campaign against arms trade), who has in recent years focused, in cooperation with the Transnational Institute (TNI) on the militarisation and external...