Access to documents requests 2011 and 2012

The request was successful.

Access Info Europe and Transparency International

Dear Sir/Madam,

In line with the right of access to EU documents as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, we (Transparency International EU Office & Access Info Europe) are hereby writing to request access to all documents/records providing a detailed list of all the access to documents requests received by your institution in the calendar years 2011 and 2012, which should indicate in particular:

a) The subject of the request made (i.e. the specific document(s)/record(s) requested);

b) The (type of) requestor;

c) How the request was submitted/received (online form, direct email, via, phone, mail or other);

d) The initial decision on the request, including the basis upon which any refusals to grant access were made (prior to any confirmatory applications);

e) Whether the institution consulted with third parties (including other institutions and outside parties) prior to responding to the request;

f) Whether or not the initial refusal or partial refusal resulted in a confirmatory application;

g) Whether the confirmatory application was successful or partially successful (ie. it resulted in a partial revision of the initial response), or whether the confirmatory application resulted in a confirmation of the initial denial;

h) Whether or not partial access was granted to the documents;

i) Whether or not access to the entirety of the document requested was denied;

j) The time taken to deal with each request (i.e. including confirmatory applications, where applicable);

k) The number of times the deadline was extended, the amount of time it was extended for, and the reasons for the extension;

l) Whether the requester was asked to clarify or narrow their request, or to provide more information about themselves or about the reasons for their request.

Should an overview record listing the above-mentioned information for each individual request not be held by your institution, we would like to request the individual files related to all access to documents requests received in the calendar years 2011 and 2012 (i.e. the administrative correspondence providing insights to (a)-(l) above).

May I kindly request that the documents be provided in electronic format; where database records are provided, please provide these in an open, accessible format.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Access Info Europe and Transparency International EU

Registre, European Parliament

Dear Sir/Madam,

We acknowledge receipt of your request. You will receive a reply within
15 working days.

Best regards,

Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit

Directorate C - DG Presidency
European Parliament
Public Register webpage

show quoted sections

Registre, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Sir/Madam,

Since your request concerns a wide range of data (The two years scope of
your request represents about 1500 individual files) contained or archived
in the electronic database "GEDA" of the Parliament, and that the public
release of extracts from this database, even under existing processes,
requires a prior analysis and check of the conformity of the parts of its
information content which can be made public with the requirements of the
regulation in particular regarding the possible personal data dimension,
it will not be possible for us to take a decision regarding your
application within the time limit set out in Article 7(1) of Regulation
1049/2001, even if, pursuant to Article 7(3) of this Regulation, it is
extended with 15 working days.

We would therefore like to inform you of the actual content and actual
possibilities offered by our existing database within the specific context
of regulation 1049/2001. This would help us to research with you and
propose a fair solution in the meaning of Article 6(3) of the Regulation,
which provides that “[in] the event of an application relating to a very
long document or to a very large number of documents, the institution
concerned may confer with the applicant informally, with a view to finding
a fair solution”.

To this end, we could schedule a meeting at your earlier convenience.

Taking into consideration that you have introduced the same request to the
other main institutions, Commission and Council, and having conferred
about this with our counterparts, we felt useful to draw your attention on
the fact that our Institutions are not using the same instruments to
monitor, treat, record and trace regulation 1049 requests and decisions.
This means that, without prejudice of our efforts to confer and share good
practices about the best application of the regulation itself, the actual
and concrete possibilities of our institutions to provide you, under the
terms of the regulation, with similar documents and information may well
be different from one institution to another. It may also happen that part
of the detailed data (time spent on files for example) which you seek to
obtain may not be recorded, or encoded, in its database by each

Yours sincerely,

Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit

  Directorate C - DG Presidency
European Parliament
[1]Public Register webpage

show quoted sections

Registre, European Parliament

3 Attachments

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached the reply from the European Parliament to your
request concerning "documents/records providing a detailed list of all
the access to documents requests received by the European Parliament in
the calendar years 2001 and 2012"

Yours sincerely,

Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit
Directorate C - DG Presidency
European Parliament

show quoted sections

Access Info Europe and Transparency International

Dear Registre,

Many thanks for this response and for handling the request.

Yours sincerely,

Access Info Europe and Transparency International EU