Adam Farkas

The request was partially successful.

Dear European Banking Authority (EBA),

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I would like to request all correspondence, including emails, and notes or minutes from any meetings which discuss Adam Farkas' apointment as executive director of the EBA as it relates to Articles 11 and 11a of the Staff Regulations. Specifically, what assessments have been made of Mr Farkas' personal interests, considering his previous work for the financial industry, including his positions as co-CEO of CIB Bank Ltd. and CEO of Allianz Bank Ltd., and are there any matters which he has been relieved from dealing with, under Article 11a 2 of the Staff Regulations.

Yours faithfully,

Ester Araúzo

European Banking Authority

Dear Ester Arauzo,

In reply to your question concerning the appointment of Mr. Adam Farkas to the position of Executive Director at the European Banking Authority (EBA), I regret to inform you that according to the REGULATION (EC) No 45/2001 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data, we cannot provide you with the candidates' cover letters or the letters of those invited to an interview within the framework of the selection , nor with the minutes related to this selection based on the adequate regulation.

As provided for by Article 6 of Annex III of the Staff Regulations, the works of the Selection Committee are confidential. Therefore, we cannot disclose any further details cotaining personal data.

For the sake of clarity and transparency, however, we believe it is useful to summarize the selection procedure that Mr. FARKAS went through as all the other senior executives from the three European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs). Those senior management procedures for Agencies are clearly established and respect the highest standard of professionalism and neutrality. The main steps were:

By the European Commission

- Pre-selection interview organised by Directorate General for Internal Market and Service (DG MARKT) with a panel of 3 senior managers (2 Commission Officials, 1 Representative from a Member State's Supervisory Authority);

- Final interview organised by DG MARKT with a panel composed of 2 senior managers;

- Assessment center on interpersonal skills and management competencies (1 full day, organised by external Human Resources consultants, and with the participation of Commission officials for some parts of the assessment);

- Interview with the Consultative Committee on senior management Appointments of the European Commission (6 senior officials of the European Commission).

- Adoption of the shortlist of candidates by the European Commission

By the European Parliament

- Hearing in front of the ECON Committee of the European parliament.

By the Board of Supervisors of the European Banking Authority

- Hearing in front of the Board of Supervisors of the Authority (27 MS) and decision by the Board on the appointment.

At all those stages, the professional qualities, managerial qualities, previous experiences, and skills of candidates have been checked thoroughly, including all potential conflicts of interests. Following this exhaustive evaluation, Mr. Farkas was identified as the most suitable candidate for the vacancy of Executive Director of EBA, reuniting the required technical knowledge in the field as well as the necessary management competencies and interpersonal skills as required in the publication of the vacancy.

Needless to say, upon acceptance of an employment contract, all EBA staff are subject to strict ethics provisions deriving from the EU Staff Regulations, which includes the obligation to declare of any potential conflict of interest. Clear provisions exist on the avoidance of any real or perceived conflict of interest.

Best regards,

European Banking Authority                                                                
Tower 42 | 25 Old Broad Street | EC2N 1HQ London | UK

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