We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are maria linards (Account suspended) please sign in and let everyone know.

Can you help

We're waiting for maria linards (Account suspended) to read a recent response and update the status.

By law do i or dont i have the right to recieve my mail ?
well why is this happening and what are my rights

I ordered from religious organizations some magazines and the past few months thse magazines stopped coming to my mail box and i dont know why i asked the organization why and they replied that they have sent my magazines so i know it is coming from this country i dont know why they are acting like this and why they dont like foreign and how they gave themselves the right do they have the right to steal
What i want is this
To give me an address to replace my address on the magazines i have ordered so the magazines can be sent to that address so i can recieve them
how much will this cost me and should had been free /right i can afford 10 euro a year
please help i really love my magazines
I have asked the lawyers who are here in greece but non replied back to me do they have the right to reject my case ? do you have the right not to help how and where can i get help
It can be from anyone volunteer er/ company organization or even from this organization , the 10 euro a year can fill up any of your projects plus , im willing to send out copy of my id card or business bill like my phone bill for security
so please can you help ?

if you cant help can you send email to person/organization /lawyer who can

transparence, European Committee of the Regions

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Dear Ms Linards,


We refer to your e-mail dated 30 may 2017 and registered under the
above-mentioned reference number.

We would like to inform you that your request is out of the scope of the
activities of the European Committee of the Regions. Given that no
documents were found that would correspond to the description given in
your application, your request is devoid of purpose.


You have lodged your application via the AsktheEU.org website. Please
note  that this is a private website which has no link with any
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Yours sincerely,



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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are maria linards (Account suspended) please sign in and let everyone know.