Cañete JURI meeting on 12/07/2016

The request was partially successful.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting the following documents:

1. Any record of the proceedings of the 'in camera' meeting held by the Committee on Legal Affairs (on 12/07/2016 scheduled at 08:30-10:00) with Miguel Arias CAÑETE, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy.

This may include, but not necessarily limited to, minutes of the meeting, verbatim reports of the meeting, transcripts etc that would provide a record of the proceedings of the meeting.

2. Any record of the proceedings of meetings held by the JURI coordinators where the above-mentioned meeting with Commissioner Cañete was discussed and/or their recommendations on how to proceed.

This may include, but not necessarily limited to, minutes of the meeting, verbatim reports of the meeting, transcripts etc that would provide a record of the proceedings of the meeting.

3. Any records of the proceedings of Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament meetings where the process, postponement or other issues related to the above mentioned meeting with Commissioner Cañete was discussed.

This may include, but not necessarily limited to, minutes of the meeting, verbatim reports of the meeting, transcripts etc that would provide a record of the proceedings of the meeting except documents CPG_PV(2016)06-09 and CPG_PV(2016)06-02 as these are already available.

4. Emails *held by* the JURI Secretariat (including emailed received by the JURI Secretariat from political groups, MEPs, or the Commission etc) that discussed issues about or process around the above-mentioned meeting with Cañete.

Yours faithfully,

Andreas Pavlou
Calle Cava de San Miguel 8, 4c
28005, Madrid, Spain

AccesDocs, European Parliament

OUR REF. A(2016)8903

Dear Mr Pavlou,

European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request under Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, which will be processed as soon as possible. You will receive a reply within 15 working days.

Best regards

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Directorate for the Library
[email address]

AccesDocs, European Parliament


Dear Mr Pavlou,

On 14 July 2016 the European Parliament registered your application for public access to documents.

The 15 working days deadline to reply to your application expires today.
However, consultation with competent services is still ongoing. Therefore the time limit for handling your
application laid down in Article 7(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 has to be extended by further 15 working days, as
foreseen by Article 7(2) of the same Regulation. We apologize for any inconvenience.

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Directorate for the Library
AccesDocs at ep dot europa dot eu

Dear EP Transparency Unit,

I am writing to ask if there has been any development with regards my request A(2016)8903.

Many thanks,

Andreas Pavlou

AccesDocs, European Parliament

Dear Mr Pavlou,

Parliament answered your request by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt on 25 August 2016.
The letter was sent to the address that you had provided in your mail of 13 July 2016, i.e.: Andreas Pavlou, Calle Cava de San Miguel 8, 4c, E-28005, Madrid, Spain.
If you have not received the letter we would advise you to check with you local post office.

Best regards

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Directorate for the Library

show quoted sections

Dear AccesDocs,

Thank you, I now have the letter that was sent.

Yours sincerely,

Andreas Pavlou

Andreas Pavlou,

5 Attachments

[original letter received by post on 25 August 2016]


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