Consultations received on safety of offshore oil and gas activities
Dear Energy (ENER),
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
Data of the public consultations undertaken by the Directorate General for Energy during 2012 related to safety of offshore oil and gas activities.
Particularly, I would like to receive documents/information on;
- any contacts/meetings (date, participants, topics) between Commission staff and oil and/or gas companies
- any contacts/meetings (date, participants, topics) between Commission staff and Oil and Gas Producers Association
-any contacts between members of the Permanent Representation of the United Kingdom and oil companies in relation to the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on safety on offshore oil and gas activities amending the Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council)
- the average time spam of the consultations
- the number of consultations
Yours faithfully,
Anastasia Mitronatsiou
Dear Mrs Mitronatsiou,
Your request for access to documents of 31/03/2013 (see attachement) was
registered with reference number GESTDEM/2013/1824.
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents, your application
will be handled within 15 working days. The time limit will expire on
25/04/2013. In case this time limit needs to be extended, you will be
informed in due course.
Yours faithfully,
European Commission
DG ENER Unit A.1 – Access to documents
DM 24 8/118
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you for your access to information request.
In order to provide you the most relevant reply, could you please specify
if in your request of documents/information on any contacts/meetings
between Commission staff and oil and/or gas companies you intended to
include contacts/meetings with trade associations representing oil and/or
gas companies?
Best regards,
Offshore oil and gas safety team
Dear Ms Mitronatsiou,
due to a server problem, the original message was not delivered, for which
we apologize.
Please find it below, and the documents you requested in attachment.
Best regards,
Constanze Veeh
European Commission
Directorate General for Energy
Unit B3
Internal Market III: Retail markets Coal & Oil
DM24 03/008
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 29 69519
[2][email address]
From: VEEH Constanze (ENER)
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 7:37 PM
To: '[FOI #442 email]'
Subject: RE: access to information request GESTDEM/2013/1824
Dear Ms Mitronatsiou,
Please find here attached the documents you have requested in your access
to information request of 31th of March 2013 on :
- any contacts/meetings (date, participants, topics) between
Commission staff and oil and/or gas companies
- any contacts/meetings (date, participants, topics) between
Commission staff and Oil and Gas Producers Association
As for your request regarding "any contacts between members of the
Permanent Representation of the United Kingdom and oil companies in
relation to the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and
of the Council on safety on offshore oil and gas activities amending the
Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council)", we
would advise you to get in touch with the Permanent Representation of the
United Kingdom, as we do not have access to the documents resulting from
contacts between them and third parties.
- the average time span of the consultations – contacts with the
industry took place on various occassions throughout 2012 and took mainly
the form of meetings
- the number of consultations: 10, please find a list below
Date Company Record of meeting? Notes
2 March Oil & Gas UK Yes In CEO office /in
28 March Oil & Gas UK, OLF (NO Yes To conduct 1^st
oil company technical peer review
association) Peer review report of COM Impact
by Chair following Assessment / B3 –
2^nd meeting (see JRC / in Brussels
12 April Oil & Gas UK No Courtesy call to B3
(JaP)/ in Brussels
2 May Oil & Gas UK, OLF (NO Yes To conduct 2^nd
oil company technical peer review
association) Peer review report of COM Impact
by Chair following Assessment / B3-JRC
2^nd meeting / in Brussels
15 May BP No CAB meeting (MvS) /
in Brussels
Informal. B3
prepared a meeting
8 June BP No B3 meeting (JaP) / in
Informal. BP did
not follow up
3 July Conoco Phillips No CAB meeting (PP) / in
Informal. B3
prepared a meeting
4 October Noble Energy No B3 meeting (EA) / in
27 November Shell & Total Yes B3 meeting
(liability (DS/TP/AvD) / in
specialists) Brussels
28 November BP Yes B3 meeting (DS/TP) in
We hope you will find this information useful.
Best regards,
Constanze Veeh on behalf of Corina Mocanu
European Commission
Directorate General for Energy
Unit B3
Internal Market III: Retail markets Coal & Oil
DM24 03/008
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 29 69519
[4][email address]
Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[email address]
Anastasia Mitronatsiou left an annotation ()
Dear Offshore Oil and Gas Team,
Thank you for your kind reply to my information request.
I am kindly interesting to know the number of contacts/meetings with trade associations representing oil and/or gas companies that the DG Energy had during the past 2 years. Moreover I would like kindly to ask you if the UK permanent representation and the DG Energy had any meeting related to the safety of offshore oil and gas activities.
Kind regards,
Anastasia Mitronatsiou