Correspondence and minutes regarding Export ban on hazardous chemicals and glyphosate renewal
Dear Madam/ Sir,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
All correspondence since 01 June 2023, (including emails, letters and attached documents, SMS & any other type of messages processed through phone apps - eg., WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram etc., recorded voice messages), regarding:
- the Export Ban on hazardous chemicals, "prohibiting production for export of chemicals banned in the European Union" as was announced in the EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) towards a toxic-free environment, published on 14 October 2020;
- the renewing of the approval of the active substance glyphosate.
We request access to all correspondence between the European Commission (President, Vice-Presidents, Comissioners & cabinets, DGs - Environment, Santé, Agri, Grow, Trade; and officials), ECHA, EFSA, Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency and European Food Safety Authority on the one hand, and, on the other hand, one or several of these entities:
- VCI (Verband der Chemischen Industrie)
- Croplife Europe
- CropLife International
- ECCA (European Crop Care Association)
- Copa-Cogeca
- Business Europe
- FarmEurope
- Glyphosate Renewal Group
- BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie)
- Agriculture&Progress
- Bayer AG
- Bayer CropScience
- Anhui Huaxing Chemical Industry Company
- Syngenta
- Corteva
- Dow AgroSciences
- DuPont
- Jiangsu Good Harvest - Weien Agrochemical Company
- Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals Co.
- Nufarm
- SinoHarvest
- Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group Company
Yours faithfully,
João Camargo
CEO Researcher
Dear European Food Safety Authority,
Our postal address, should you require it, is
Corporate Europe Observatory, Rue d’Édimbourg 26
1050 Brussels – Belgium
Yours faithfully,
João Camargo
Researcher - Corporate Europe Observatory
Dear Mr Camargo,
I hereby acknowledge receipt of your e-mail of 20 September 2023, by means
of which you requested access to:
• "All correspondence since 01 June 2023, (including emails, letters and
attached documents, SMS & any other type of messages processed through
phone apps - eg., WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram etc., recorded voice
messages), regarding:
- the Export Ban on hazardous chemicals, "prohibiting production for
export of chemicals banned in the European Union" as was announced in the
EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) towards a toxic-free
environment, published on 14 October 2020;
- the renewing of the approval of the active substance glyphosate"
• “all correspondence between the European Commission (President,
Vice-Presidents, Comissioners & cabinets, DGs - Environment, Santé,
Agri, Grow, Trade; and officials), ECHA, EFSA, Consumers, Health and
Food Executive Agency and European Food Safety Authority on the one
hand, and, on the other hand, one or several of these entities:
- VCI (Verband der Chemischen Industrie)
- Croplife Europe
- CropLife International
- ECCA (European Crop Care Association)
- Copa-Cogeca
- Business Europe
- FarmEurope
- Glyphosate Renewal Group
- BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie)
- Agriculture&Progress
- Bayer AG
- Bayer CropScience
- Anhui Huaxing Chemical Industry Company
- Syngenta
- Corteva
- Dow AgroSciences
- DuPont
- Jiangsu Good Harvest - Weien Agrochemical Company
- Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals Co.
- Nufarm
- SinoHarvest
- Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group Company
Your application for public access to documents (PAD) has been registered
as PAD 2023/155 and is being processed as quickly as possible in
accordance with [1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to
documents (hereinafter “the PAD Regulation”).
We will come back to you by 11 October 2023 at the latest.
We would like to inform you that the website you have used
for submitting your request is a third-party platform, with no link to the
institutions, agencies and bodies of the EU, including EFSA. Consequently,
EFSA cannot be held liable for any errors of any kind occurring as a
result of the use of this platform. Likewise, we would ask you to provide
us with an alternative e-mail address to be used for the further
processing of your application for access to documents.
Additionally, please note that the third party running the
website is responsible for the processing of your personal data by means
of this platform. For further information, including on the way the third
party addresses your rights in the light of applicable data protection
legislation, please refer to the third party’s privacy policy. From our
experience with the way the platform operates, we understand that the
content of public access to documents requesters correspondence with EFSA
is usually published on the platform, including any personal data which
may be contained therein (e.g. private postal addresses). Please contact
us directly should you not wish your correspondence with EFSA to be
published on the platform. In the event that such a
communication is received from you, EFSA will then redirect all future
electronic correspondence to your private e-mail address only.
Please also be aware that Article 16 of the PAD Regulation regarding
public access to documents provides that this legal framework is
applicable without prejudice to any existing rules on copyright which may
limit a third party's right to reproduce or exploit released documents.
Finally, note that EFSA is using an online tool for processing public
access to documents application which can be accessed via the
[2]Connect.EFSA platform (“The PAD Tool”). In order to ensure a thorough
monitoring of PAD applications being processed by EFSA, your PAD
application would need to be included in this PAD tool. For this purpose
we ask you to communicate to us your personal e-mail address. Afterwards,
you may receive an e-mail of notification after we have included your
application in this tool and future communications with you will be sent
via the PAD Tool. Should you be interested in using it for eventual future
PAD applications, we highly recommend that you register in the system to
better follow the processing of your PAD applications and other queries
you may submit to EFSA. Should you wish to submit a new PAD application,
please select “public access to documents” in the ‘area’ box of the online
Yours sincerely,
Technical Assistant
EFSA Public Access to Documents
[3][email address]
This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.
Dear Mr Camargo,
Further to our e-mail of 22 September 2023 by means of which we
acknowledged receipt of your application for public access to documents
(hereinafter "PAD application") of 20 September registered as PAD
2023/155, we would like to reiterate that your PAD application is being
processed as quickly as possible in accordance with the provisions of
[1]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents
(hereinafter, “the PAD Regulation”).
However, we regret to inform you that EFSA is still gathering all the
necessary elements to reply to your PAD application and we therefore have
to extend the deadline by 15 working days in accordance with Article 7(3)
of the PAD Regulation. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience
this delay may cause.
We will come back to you as soon as possible and by 3 November 2023 at the
In the meantime, we kindly ask you to provide us with your e-mail address
and your mobile phone number for the future sharing of the requested
documents, as required by EFSA’s policy on the secure transfer of
documents outside EFSA, by writing to our functional mailbox:
[2][email address].
Yours sincerely,
Technical Assistant
EFSA Public Access to Documents
[3][email address]
This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.
From: MESNAOUI Mariama <[9][email address]> On Behalf Of
Sent: 22 September 2023 14:52
To: [10][FOI #13537 email]
<[11][email address]>
Subject: PAD 2023/155 Acknowledgement of receipt - Your application for
public access to documents of 20 September 2023
Dear Mr Camargo,
I hereby acknowledge receipt of your e-mail of 20 September 2023, by means
of which you requested access to:
• "All correspondence since 01 June 2023, (including emails, letters and
attached documents, SMS & any other type of messages processed through
phone apps - eg., WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram etc., recorded voice
messages), regarding:
- the Export Ban on hazardous chemicals, "prohibiting production for
export of chemicals banned in the European Union" as was announced in the
EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) towards a toxic-free
environment, published on 14 October 2020;
- the renewing of the approval of the active substance glyphosate"
• “all correspondence between the European Commission (President,
Vice-Presidents, Comissioners & cabinets, DGs - Environment, Santé,
Agri, Grow, Trade; and officials), ECHA, EFSA, Consumers, Health and
Food Executive Agency and European Food Safety Authority on the one
hand, and, on the other hand, one or several of these entities:
- VCI (Verband der Chemischen Industrie)
- Croplife Europe
- CropLife International
- ECCA (European Crop Care Association)
- Copa-Cogeca
- Business Europe
- FarmEurope
- Glyphosate Renewal Group
- BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie)
- Agriculture&Progress
- Bayer AG
- Bayer CropScience
- Anhui Huaxing Chemical Industry Company
- Syngenta
- Corteva
- Dow AgroSciences
- DuPont
- Jiangsu Good Harvest - Weien Agrochemical Company
- Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals Co.
- Nufarm
- SinoHarvest
- Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group Company
Your application for public access to documents (PAD) has been registered
as PAD 2023/155 and is being processed as quickly as possible in
accordance with [12]Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access
to documents (hereinafter “the PAD Regulation”).
We will come back to you by 11 October 2023 at the latest.
We would like to inform you that the website you have used
for submitting your request is a third-party platform, with no link to the
institutions, agencies and bodies of the EU, including EFSA. Consequently,
EFSA cannot be held liable for any errors of any kind occurring as a
result of the use of this platform. Likewise, we would ask you to provide
us with an alternative e-mail address to be used for the further
processing of your application for access to documents.
Additionally, please note that the third party running the
website is responsible for the processing of your personal data by means
of this platform. For further information, including on the way the third
party addresses your rights in the light of applicable data protection
legislation, please refer to the third party’s privacy policy. From our
experience with the way the platform operates, we understand that the
content of public access to documents requesters correspondence with EFSA
is usually published on the platform, including any personal data which
may be contained therein (e.g. private postal addresses). Please contact
us directly should you not wish your correspondence with EFSA to be
published on the platform. In the event that such a
communication is received from you, EFSA will then redirect all future
electronic correspondence to your private e-mail address only.
Please also be aware that Article 16 of the PAD Regulation regarding
public access to documents provides that this legal framework is
applicable without prejudice to any existing rules on copyright which may
limit a third party's right to reproduce or exploit released documents.
Finally, note that EFSA is using an online tool for processing public
access to documents application which can be accessed via the
[13]Connect.EFSA platform (“The PAD Tool”). In order to ensure a thorough
monitoring of PAD applications being processed by EFSA, your PAD
application would need to be included in this PAD tool. For this purpose
we ask you to communicate to us your personal e-mail address. Afterwards,
you may receive an e-mail of notification after we have included your
application in this tool and future communications with you will be sent
via the PAD Tool. Should you be interested in using it for eventual future
PAD applications, we highly recommend that you register in the system to
better follow the processing of your PAD applications and other queries
you may submit to EFSA. Should you wish to submit a new PAD application,
please select “public access to documents” in the ‘area’ box of the online
Yours sincerely,
Technical Assistant
EFSA Public Access to Documents
[14][email address]
This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.
Dear Mr Camargo,
With respect to your application for public access to documents (“PAD
application”) with EFSA’s reference PAD 2023/155, we would like to inform
you that considerable progress has been made regarding the accessibility
of the requested documents in the scope of your PAD application and that
we are in the process of concluding the final steps in order to be in a
position to provide you with our reply in terms of substance. In this
regard, we would like to inform you that few more days are therefore still
needed and we will reply to your PAD application by 10 November 2023 at
the latest. We hope to count on your understanding in this regard and we
extend our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this slight delay may
cause. Please do not hesitate to contact us in the meantime should you
need additional information, by writing to:
[1][email address].
Moreover, for the reasons detailed in our e-mail of 22 September 2023, we
would like to remind you to please provide us with an alternative e-mail
address to be used for the further processing of your application for
access to documents.
Yours sincerely,
Technical Assistant
EFSA Public Access to Documents
[2][email address]
This e-mail, including its attachments, is intended only for the use of
the recipient(s) named above. Unless you are a named recipient (or
authorized by a recipient), access to this e-mail message or any
disclosure or copying of its content, or any action taken in reliance on
it is unauthorized and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended
recipient, please let the sender know immediately.
Visible links
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You can forward replies also to [email address]
Yours sincerely,
João Camargo