Correspondences between Frontex and SAR actors

Giovanna Reder made this access to documents request to European Border and Coast Guard Agency Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was refused by European Border and Coast Guard Agency.

Dear European Border and Coast Guard Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain information concerning the following days:



I request all correspondence exchanged with Italian and Maltese authorities and actors, with all European and non-European institutional actors as well as any private actors such as merchant vessels; issued and received by Frontex with regards to, or mentioning a spotted migrant boat.

Please note that:

- this includes, but is not limited to Frontex internal correspondence

- this includes, but is not limited to, all e-mails (including all attachments)

In addition I would like to receive any Incident Report relating to the identified cases.

Yours faithfully,

Giovanna Reder

European Border and Coast Guard Agency

New information regarding your application is available under this link
Token: K35LL7PI5I
Email: [FOI #14162 email]
Case Id: PAD-2024-00075

Please be informed that the link is valid until Tuesday, 31 March 2026

European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 205 9500 · Fax: +48 22 205 9501

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European Border and Coast Guard Agency

New information regarding your application is available under this link
Token: DE1CGOH19E
Email: [FOI #14162 email]
Case Id: PAD-2024-00075

Please be informed that the link is valid until Tuesday, 07 April 2026

European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 205 9500 · Fax: +48 22 205 9501

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construed as automatically constituting any form of commitment by Frontex
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European Border and Coast Guard Agency

New information regarding your application is available under this link
Email: [FOI #14162 email]
Case Id: PAD-2024-00075

Please be informed that the link is valid until Thursday, 16 April 2026

European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 205 9500 · Fax: +48 22 205 9501

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construed as automatically constituting any form of commitment by Frontex
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European Border and Coast Guard Agency

New information regarding your application is available under this link
Email: [FOI #14162 email]
Case Id: PAD-2024-00075

Please be informed that the link is valid until Thursday, 07 May 2026

European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 205 9500 · Fax: +48 22 205 9501

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Dear Frontex Transparency Office, 

thank you for your response. As stated in my initial request I am interested in correspondence between Frontex and other authorities, institutional actors and merchant vessels.

The information I received so far only contains correspondence between Frontex and NGOs, which I am not interested in. I would kindly ask you to assess my request in relation to the remaining 102 documents, which actually hold the information I am interested in.

Since you stated in your response that the redaction of these documents would be disproportional in relation to the parts that are eligible for disclosure, I would like to propose to process and assess one case after the other instead of all of them at once, starting with the 18th of May 2021.

I am aware that similar information on correspondence has been released by the Transparency Office before and hope that you will be able to process my request as proposed above.

I look forward to your response. 

Yours faithfully,

Giovanna Reder

European Border and Coast Guard Agency

New information regarding your application is available under this link
Token: D4HRB9V4JW
Email: [FOI #14162 email]
Case Id: PAD-2024-00179

Please be informed that the link is valid until Tuesday, 26 May 2026

European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 205 9500 · Fax: +48 22 205 9501

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European Border and Coast Guard Agency

New information regarding your application is available under this link
Email: [FOI #14162 email]
Case Id: PAD-2024-00179

Please be informed that the link is valid until Friday, 19 June 2026

European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 205 9500 · Fax: +48 22 205 9501

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construed as automatically constituting any form of commitment by Frontex
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European Border and Coast Guard Agency

New information regarding your application is available under this link
Token: CU6KDRU668
Email: [FOI #14162 email]
Case Id: PAD-2024-00179

Please be informed that the link is valid until Tuesday, 14 July 2026

European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 205 9500 · Fax: +48 22 205 9501

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construed as automatically constituting any form of commitment by Frontex
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e-mail and delete the e-mail from your system.


Visible links

European Border and Coast Guard Agency

New information regarding your application is available under this link
Email: [FOI #14162 email]
Case Id: PAD-2024-00179

Please be informed that the link is valid until Tuesday, 14 July 2026

European Border and Coast Guard Agency
Plac Europejski 6, 00-844 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 205 9500 · Fax: +48 22 205 9501

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construed as automatically constituting any form of commitment by Frontex
, unless its contents clearly indicate otherwise. It is intended solely
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