We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Anja Münzer please sign in and let everyone know.

Defence Expenditures

We're waiting for Anja Münzer to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear European Defence Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

What is the EU's annual budget on defence?

Yours faithfully,

Anja Münzer

ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS, European Defence Agency

9 Attachments

Dear Madam,


We acknowledge receipt of your email of 12 October 2021 wherein you submit
a request under Article 15 of the TFEU and, where applicable, the
provisions of Regulation 1049/2001.


Having carefully reviewed your request, we find that this is not an Access
to Documents application pursuant to Regulation (EC) 1049/2001, but rather
a request for information. Requests for information are handled under the
provisions of Article 10 of EDA’s Code of Good Administrative Behaviour:


Following internal consultation, kindly note that we unfortunately do not
hold any documents or information which would provide you with an answer
to the question you raised in your email. Indeed, EDA does not have
documents containing the requested information on the EU annual budget on
defence. EDA is an EU agency established under the Treaty on European
Union and operating under the authority of the Council. More on EDA’s
mission can be found here:
[2]https://eda.europa.eu/who-we-are/Mission.... EDA budget is
different/separate from the EU budget. You find detailed information on
EDA budget on our public website under


You may find relevant information directly concerning your request on
other EU websites such as [4]EU budget | European Commission (europa.eu)
or [5]Headings: spending categories | European Commission (europa.eu).

Should you not be able to find the information you seek, you may wish to
address yourself to [6]Contact | European Union (europa.eu).


We hope this will be of assistance and remain at your disposal should you
require any additional information.


Yours sincerely,


EDA Access to Documents
[8]A picture containing drawing Description  
automatically generated    
FOLLOW US ON  [9]signature_1410448363  [14][EDA request email]
[10]signature_1761553044  [15]signature_1728784819   Rue des
[11]signature_1554460717  [12]signature_1422700287 Drapiers 17-23, 1050 Brussels,



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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Anja Münzer please sign in and let everyone know.