Dear European Securities and Markets Authority,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as set forth by Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information regarding all the equivalence decisions rendered by the European Commission and/or European Parliament within the European Securities and Markets Authority’s remit:

- all technical reports and/or documents prepared by European Securities and Markets Authority and issued to support the decisions taken by the European Commission and/or European Parliament;
- all documents related to the equivalence decisions in which the European Securities and Markets Authority has provided assistance, including minutes of meetings held by the ESFS regulators, the European Commission, and/or the European Parliament;
- the timeframes comprising the receipt of requests for technical analysis and the issuance of the respective technical reports to support the aforementioned decisions taken by the European Commission and/or European Parliament; and
- all correspondence and other kinds of communication, including attachments (such as emails, letters, and/or telephone call notes), between the regulators (including overseas regulators of the third countries for which the equivalence decisions were rendered), other organizations, and the European Commission/European Parliament with respect to the aforementioned equivalence decisions.

The aim is to better understand how the ESFS regulators have engaged with equivalence decisions; the procedural steps that have been taken prior to an equivalence decision being rendered; and, the time each step in the process to reach a decision takes.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any doubts or questions in regards to this request.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Pedro Carvalho

Info ESMA, European Securities and Markets Authority

Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for your message.
We value your input and question raised on this issue. As with all
relevant questions that are submitted to us by external sources, we have
taken note of the points raised and are consulting internally as well as
with the relevant ESMA committees to assess whether further public
guidance is needed.
Please refer to for
information on criteria followed by ESMA to accept and prioritise
Please note that ESMA endeavours to reply within two months to factual
questions received and within four to six months to policy questions that
raise new points of interpretation.
Please also note that a question is much more useful when submitted
together with a proposed answer. We would therefore be grateful if you
could suggest possible answers should you need guidance on other issues in
the future.
Finally, please note that this inbox only handles general enquiries. If
you are contacting us to make a complaint, you should first refer to the
complaints section of the ESMA website.
There you will find information on how ESMA can help and who you should
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Enrico Gagliardi, European Securities and Markets Authority

Dear Mr Carvalho,

We acknowledge receipt of your message and will get back to you in due course.

With kind regards

Enrico Gagliardi

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