Dear European Economic and Social Committee,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

I would like to ask to you provide me with any meeting agendas, minutes, joint statements, and press releases of the EU China Round Table since 2007 to 2020.

Yours faithfully,

Faith Spearing

access2documents, European Economic and Social Committee

Dear Ms Spearing,

Thank you for your access to documents request transmitted today, of which we hereby acknowledge receipt. Our reference number is ICD-AD-05/2020. Your request is being processed now.

Best regards,

The Information Centre and Document Management Sector

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access2documents, European Economic and Social Committee

27 Attachments

Dear Ms Spearing,

Concerning your request:
"I would like to ask to you provide me with any meeting agendas, minutes, joint statements, and press releases of the EU China Round Table since 2007 to 2020"

Please find attached:

agendas and Joint statements (no minutes were drafted after the meetings, only joint statements) from 1st to 13th EU China Round Table.

As of 14th EU China Round Table the information is available on the EESC website:

Please find here below also press releases from the latest to oldest ones:

"EESC President Luca Jahier pushes for cooperation on big data and sustainable development at EU-China Round Table in Shanghai" (

"Trade, investment, social security and solidarity – the focal points of the 16th EU-China Civil Society Round Table" (

"EU-China Round Table at EESC: Joint statement on innovation, rural development, 'One Belt, One Road' and investment" (

"Trade, investment, social security and solidarity – the focal points of the 16th EU-China Civil Society Round Table" (

"EESC against granting market access to China - Europe's industry needs protection against unfair competition practices" (

For years 2007-2016, please find enclosed in the zip file all press releases, also available via document search

Best regards,

Information Centre and Document Management Sector

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Thanks a lot! I really appreciate all the help.

Yours sincerely,

Faith Spearing