Dear European Court of Auditors,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Properties owned or rented by any EU institution with detail of:
-Value or rent of the property.
-EU institution which owns/rents the property.
-Use of the property.
-Localisation of the property.
-Date of acquisition/Start of renting

If there is historical data available, I ask for the registers in different years or periods.

If any of the data is not available, I ask for the information as you have it in your databases in order to avoid any extra work.

I would prefer to receive the information in electronic form. This is a right under Regulation 1049/2001 if the information exists in that format.

Yours faithfully,


Sent request to European Court of Auditors again, using a new contact address.

Sent request to European Court of Auditors again, using a new contact address.

ECA-INFO, European Court of Auditors

Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting the European Court of Auditors (ECA).
The [1]budget of the EU, for 2017 and previous years, is published online.
 For the 2017 financial year the revenue part of the EU’s draft general
budget includes a section (D) on the EU institutions’ buildings, which
contains detailed information regarding ownership, location and annual
planned costs.
The information on buildings is also available in the EU’s general budget
for 2017 published in the EU’s [2]Official Journal, L51 of 28.02.2017
(page 161).
Every EU institution and body manages its own buildings policy and reports
on it to the EU's budgetary authority, i.e. the European Parliament and
the Council, during the annual discharge procedure, as part of their
accounts. For further information, we therefore suggest you contact the
institutions individually and consult the relevant discharge documents and
other documentation available, e.g. the EU's consolidated accounts. The
ECA does not have information on the EU institutions’ buildings other than
the information it uses for its audit work. The ECA publishes the results
of its audits in reports and other outputs on its website at
Details of the ECA's own buildings policy, including the financing,
ownership, localization and use, are also available in the ECA’s
[4]activity reports published on its website.
Kind regards,
(European Court of Auditors Information Desk)

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