Friendship and intergroups declarations 2022

European Parliament did not have the information requested.

Dear Madam, Sir,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

According to the rules of procedure article 35, Quaestors are supposed to keep a register of declarations when it comes to:

1. Intergroups annual declaration of any support, whether in cash or in kind (e.g. secretarial assistance), which, if offered to Members as individuals.

2. Other unofficial groupings [Friendship groups] shall also be required to declare, by the end of the following month, any support, whether in cash or in kind, which Members have not declared individually.

On 31 August 2021, Parliament informed a citizen who requested the above information "that no declaration related to unofficial groupings has been submitted since 1 December 2019."

I would like to request all documents related to the above-mentioned register since 31 August 2021.

Peter Teffer

European Parliament

Our reference: 2022-1486

Dear Mr Teffer Peter,

The European Parliament hereby acknowledges receipt of your message, which
was registered on December 16, 2022.

All applications for public access to documents are treated in compliance
with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access
to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.

In accordance with the above-mentioned Regulation, your application will
be handled within 15 working days upon registration of your request.

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EU)
2018/1725 of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with
regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions,
bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data. A
detailed privacy statement is available [1]here.

The European Parliament reserves the right to ask for additional
information regarding your identity in order to verify compliance with
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 and the European Parliament’s implementing

Your attention is drawn to the fact that you have lodged your application
via the website, which is a private website not officially
related to the European Parliament. Therefore, the European Parliament
cannot be held accountable for any technical issues or problems linked to
the use of this system.

In addition, please note that any personal data that you provide by using website may be disclosed to the general public and visible on
this private website. The European Parliament cannot be held responsible
for such disclosure. Should you need to communicate directly to Parliament
any personal data and would like to avoid public disclosure, you may do so
from your private email address by using the following functional mailbox
address: AccesDocs(at)

Best regards,

European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency
Directorate-General for Interinstitutional Affairs and Legislative
[2][European Parliament request email]


Visible links
2. mailto:[European Parliament request email]

European Parliament

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Intergroup Sustainable long term investments Declaration of financial interests 2021.pdf

    92K Download View as HTML

Our reference: 2022-1486

Dear Mr Teffer,

Thank you for contacting the Transparency Unit of the European Parliament.

Further to your application submitted under [1]Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001 requesting public access to all annual declarations that
intergroups and unofficial groupings shall make under [2]Rule 35 of
Parliament's Rules of Procedure, made since 31 August 2021, Parliament has
identified the following:

-         Within a [3]webpage on the EP's website, the most recent
declaration of financial interests (DFIs) of each intergroup are publicly
available. Since there has only been one annual campaign since 31 August
2021 (namely in the spring of 2022), there is in most cases only one DFI
per intergroup between then and now.

-         One intergroup, i.e. the intergroup for Sustainable, Long-term
investments & Competitive European Industry, has sent an additional update
between August 2021 and now, hence the previous version of that
intergroup's DFI is the only one not currently online (but it was before
it was replaced). Please find the previous DFI for intergroup 09 attached
and published [4]here. The publication should be available within the next

-         As regards unofficial groupings, no DFIs have been submitted
since 31 August 2021. As per Rule 35, Members are advised to include any
support received by unofficial groupings in their individual DFIs
(generally, section G). All the individual declarations made by MEPs are
all public and online, and can be found on each MEP [5]webpage, by
clicking on their name and on the 'declarations' tab on the right. 

On this basis, Parliament considers your application handled and the
procedure closed. Please do not hesitate to come back to us if there are
other specific Parliament documents you would like to request access to.

Kind regards,

European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency
Directorate-General for Interinstitutional Affairs and Legislative
[6][European Parliament request email]


Visible links
6. mailto:[European Parliament request email]