GRANT, Financial assistance for Agriculture farming,etc

There was a delivery error or similar, which needs fixing by the team. Can you help by finding updated contact details?

Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku

GRANT, Financial assistance for Agriculture farming,etc

Filip Lames,

3 Attachments

Dear Madam or Sir,

Thank you for your request. In order to proceed further could you please
clarify what kind of data and information regarding "GRANT, Financial
assistance for Agriculture farming,etc" you request.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Filip Lameš
Agriculture and Environment Unit

Stálé zastoupení České republiky při Evropské unii
Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU
Rue Caroly 15, 1050 Bruxelles - Ixelles, Belgie / Belgium

tel.: +32 2 2139 211 | mob.: +32 473 841 497
e-mail: [email address] | web: [1]
[2][IMG]  [3][IMG]

Od:        "Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku"
<[FOI #9504 email]>
Komu:        documents requests at Permanent Representation of Czech
Republic to the EU <[Permanent Representation of Czech Republic to the EU request email]>
Datum:        16.05.2021 10:56
Předmět:        access to documents request - GRANT, Financial assistance
for Agriculture farming,etc


GRANT,  Financial  assistance for Agriculture farming,etc


This is a request for access to information under Article 15 of the TFEU
and, where applicable, Regulation 1049/2001 which has been sent via the website.

Please kindly use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #9504 email]

If [Permanent Representation of Czech Republic to the EU request email] is the wrong address for information
requests to Permanent Representation of Czech Republic to the EU, please
tell the team on email [email address]

This message and all replies from Permanent Representation of Czech
Republic to the EU will be published on the website. For more
information see our dedicated page for EU public officials at

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.

show quoted sections

Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku

Dear Filip Lames,


Greetings please

Projects :GRANT for Oil and gas offshore, communications, housing Agriculture farming assistant for African countries citizens thanks

Agriculture farming financial food Support assistant for African countries citizens , African citizens etc

/////////////////////////////////////////////////// grant, financial assistance for our people in Africa countries, assistant contract for food for people in Africa countries ,

Help support work to create economic opportunity, improve public health, and inspire civic engagement.

Financial assistant for COVID-19 relief package,

This much-needed in the fight against COVID-19.

Financial for self-employed and independent contractors, and unemployment financial assistant benefit , financing for work-sharing programs to help businesses keep workers , financial for small businesses, financial assistance for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, financial assistance to support vaccines, testing, and contact tracing, financial assistance for vaccine procurement financial assistance for mental health and substance, use disorder founding financial assistance to support health care providers;

Financial assistant in emergency education funding, K-12 education and for higher education, so students can return to schools safely;

Financial assistant in rental and utility, financial assistance for renters, and an eviction ,Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other child nutrition benefits, financial assistance for food banks through the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). Financial assistant to fund purchases of food for distribution to those in need, and to provide worker protection measures and retooling support for farmers, fishermen, farmers' markets women in Africa countries and food processors to respond to COVID-19;

Financial assistant in child care assistance to families and child care providers to help stabilize the sector,

Financial assistance for housing,infrastructure and domestic developing roads, hospitals and green energy systems

Financial assistance for Agricultural development,

benefit programs and operations. By providing your mobile phone number, may contact you by mobile phone call and text message regarding the programs, events,

thanks engr.dr.samuel.adeniyi.ajanaku.president SAAGE RINO CONSULTIN ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, (RC.71578), Register 1985, saagerino consulting engineering company limited (duns number 850459371).

United Nations registered number 510118.,

611.edgewood street NE

Yours sincerely,

Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku

Filip Lames,

Dear Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku,

Thank you for your e-mail.


On 27th June we have received your request for information regarding
Projects :GRANT for Oil and gas offshore, communications, housing
Agriculture farming assistant for African countries citizens.

Your request refers to the Regulation (EC) Nr. 1049/2001 of the European
Parliament and of the Council regarding public access to European
Parliament, Council and Commission documents. The Regulation Nr. 1049/2001
formulates principles, conditions and limits
for the right of access to documents of the institutions (Art. 1 a)).

However the scope of the Regulation is limited only to the documents of
the institutions (i.e. documents drawn up or received by them in
accordance to Art. 2). and thus there is no obligation for a Member State
stemming from the Regulation Nr. 1049/2001.

Should you need any further information we would like to advise you to
contact the European Union authorities.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Filip Lameš
Agriculture and Environment Unit

Stálé zastoupení České republiky při Evropské unii
Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU
Rue Caroly 15, 1050 Bruxelles - Ixelles, Belgie / Belgium

tel.: +32 2 2139 211 | mob.: +32 473 841 497
e-mail: [email address] | web: [1]

Od: "Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku"
<[FOI #9504 email]>
Komu: Filip Lames <[email address]>
Datum: 27.06.2021 08:58
Předmět: Internal review of access to documents request - GRANT, Financial
assistance for Agriculture farming,etc


Dear Filip Lames,



Greetings please

Projects :GRANT for Oil and gas offshore, communications, housing
Agriculture farming assistant for African countries citizens thanks

Agriculture farming financial food Support assistant for African countries
citizens , African citizens etc

/////////////////////////////////////////////////// grant, financial
assistance for our people in Africa countries, assistant contract for food
for people in Africa countries ,

Help support work to create economic opportunity, improve public health,
and inspire civic engagement.

Financial assistant for COVID-19 relief package,

This much-needed in the fight against COVID-19.

Financial for self-employed and independent contractors, and unemployment
financial assistant benefit , financing for work-sharing programs to help
businesses keep workers , financial for small businesses, financial
assistance for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, financial
assistance to support vaccines, testing, and contact tracing, financial
assistance for vaccine procurement financial assistance for mental health
and substance, use disorder founding financial assistance to support
health care providers;

Financial assistant in emergency education funding, K-12 education and for
higher education, so students can return to schools safely;

Financial assistant in rental and utility, financial assistance for
renters, and an eviction ,Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other
child nutrition benefits, financial assistance for food banks through the
Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). Financial assistant to fund
purchases of food for distribution to those in need, and to provide worker
protection measures and retooling support for farmers, fishermen, farmers'
markets women in Africa countries and food processors to respond to

Financial assistant in child care assistance to families and child care
providers to help stabilize the sector,

Financial assistance for housing,infrastructure and domestic developing
roads, hospitals and green energy systems

Financial assistance for Agricultural development,

benefit programs and operations. By providing your mobile phone number,
may contact you by mobile phone call and text message regarding the
programs, events,

thanks engr.dr.samuel.adeniyi.ajanaku.president SAAGE RINO CONSULTIN
ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED, (RC.71578), Register 1985, saagerino
consulting engineering company limited (duns number 850459371).

United Nations registered number 510118.,

611.edgewood street NE

Yours sincerely,

Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku

show quoted sections

Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku

Dear Filip Lames, to

Yours sincerely,

Engr.dr.samuel Adeniyi Ajanaku

Filip Lames,

Od   26.07.2021 budu mimo kancelář a vrátím se nejdříve  06.08.2021.
Od 26. července do 6. srpna jsem na dovolené s velmi omezeným přístupem k
mailu. V případě nutnosti se, prosím, obraťte na sekretariát úseku ZEMŽP
Stálého zastoupení ČR při EU (+32 2 2139 183).

Due to vacation from 26th July to 6th August and limited access to e-mail,
in case of emergency, please, contact the secretariat of the Agriculture
and Environment Unit of the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic
to the EU (+32 2 2139 183).

Poznámka: Toto je automatická odpověď na vaši zprávu "Internal review of
access to documents request - GRANT, Financial assistance for Agriculture
farming,etc" odeslanou dne 07/27/2021 09:18:16 PM.
Toto je jediné oznámení, které obdržíte v době nepřítomnosti této osoby.

show quoted sections