Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

I am requesting documents that disclose the name and or identity of the owner of the building located on 51 Blvd Haussmann, which has been slated for the future House of Europe in Paris.

Additional background:

1. The Bureau of European Parliament in March 2015 launched a property market survey to rent, or if possible purchase, a building in Paris with a gross surface area of between 4,000 m2 and 4,500 m2.

2. In July, 2017, the Bureau then took the decision to approve the signature of a lease for the 51 Blvd Haussmann building as the prime location for a House of Europe.

Yours faithfully,

Nikolaj Nielsen
Rue Montoyer 18B
1000 Brussels

AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Acknowledgment of receipt


Dear Mr Nielsen,


The European Parliament hereby acknowledges receipt of your application
for access to documents, which was registered on 08/01/2018 under the
reference A(2018)223.


All requests for public access to documents are treated in compliance with
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.


In accordance with the above-mentioned Regulation, your application should
be handled within 15 working days upon registration of your request.


The European Parliament reserves the right to ask for additional
information regarding your identity in order to verify compliance with
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 and the European Parliament’s implementing


Your attention is drawn to the fact that you have lodged your application
via the website, which is a private website not officially
related to the European Parliament. Therefore, the European Parliament
cannot be held accountable for any technical issues or problems linked to
the use of this system.


Kind regards,



European Parliament
Directorate General
for the Presidency
Directorate for
and Legislative


[2]Public Register webpage
[3][email address]





Visible links
3. mailto:[email address]

AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Our ref.: A(2018)223



Dear Mr Nielsen,


You were contacted today by Parliament's Press Service, who provided you
with a reply in relation to your application A(2018)223, submitted under
Regulation (EC) 1049/2001, and seeking information concerning a future
House of Europe in Paris.  


We understand you are satisfied with the reply of the Press Service and
therefore consider this application file as closed. Please do not hesitate
to submit a new request if you are interested in the disclosure of a
specific document under Regulation (EC) 1049/2001.


Kind regards,





European Parliament
Directorate General
for the Presidency
Directorate for
and Legislative


[2]Public Register webpage
[3][email address]





Visible links
3. mailto:[email address]