IBF international consulting EDES
To whom it may concern,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
-all documents concerning the addition of IBF International Consulting to the Early Detection and Exclusion System database.
-all communication between the European Commission and IBF International Consulting related to the addition to the Early Detection and Exclusion System database.
Article 4 of REGULATION (EC) No 1049/2001 states that 'The institutions shall refuse access to a document where disclosure would undermine the protection of commercial interests... unless there is an overriding public interest in disclosure." The public interest to know about IBF International Consulting's addition to the EDES database for 'grave professional misconduct' is especially high since IBF is the development consulting firm that has received the most EU funding for the period 2014-2020. In light of the protection of the EU budget, there is strong public interest to know how EU funding to a private firm that operates in geopolitically sensitive areas, is spent.
Yours faithfully,
Jasper Roorda
Follow the Money
Gedempt Hamerkanaal 145
1021 KP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Dear Mr Roorda,
Thank you for contacting the European Court of Auditors (ECA).
We acknowledge receipt of your message of 3 June 2022. Your request is
currently under treatment and we will provide you with a reply in due
Kind regards
[2]https://www.eca.europa.eu/PublishingImag... ECA-INFO
Information Desk
12, rue Alcide
De Gasperi -
[4]https://www.eca.europa.eu/PublishingImag... Please
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Dear Mr Roorda,
Thank you for contacting the European Court of Auditors (ECA).
Our institution is responsible for auditing the EU’s finances. Pursuant to
Article 287 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, we
examine the legality and regularity of the EU’s revenue and expenditure
and the soundness of its financial management, and thereby act as the
guardians of the EU’s finances.
As a preliminary remark, please note that [1]Regulation 1049/2001 is not
applicable to our institution. Your request has been treated according to
the rules on public access to ECA documents, set out in [2]Decision No
12/2005 of the Court of Auditors regarding public access to Court
documents, as amended by ECA Decision No 14/2009, consolidated version
published in OJ C 67/1 of 20.03.2009, (“the ECA’s Decision on access to
As far as your first request is concerned, please be informed that we have
not found any information related to IBF International Consulting in the
Early Detection System (EDES). However, please note that EDES is a system
that is publicly available and that you can consult directly at the
following address:
As regards your second request related to the “access to all communication
between the European Commission and IBF International Consulting related
to the addition to the Early Detection and Exclusion System database”, we
regret to inform you that, to the best of our knowledge, the ECA does not
have such information. Even if were in its possession, it would not be in
a position to share it with you, since it would not be the author of such
communication. Based on Article 4.5 of the ECA’s Decision on access to
documents, “If the application concerns a document held by the Court but
of which the Court is not the author, the Court shall confirm receipt of
the application and supply the name of the person, institution or body to
whom the application must be addressed”. Therefore, in line with this
article, you may consider contacting the Commission directly which may be
better placed to provide you with a response.
Moreover, we would like to inform you that, if you are aware of any “grave
professional misconduct” within IBF International Consulting that could
fall within the mandate of the [4]European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF)
and/or of the [5]European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the new independent
public prosecution office of the European Union, responsible for
investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the
financial interests of the EU, you may consider reporting all relevant
information via their respective online forms: [6]OLAF online form
and/or [7]EPPO online form.
Finally, as we take seriously allegations of irregularities, you may also
communicate us all the documents supporting your allegations by replying
directly to this e-mail. We will analyse this information and send it to
the ECA’s competent department, which, if appropriate, may take it into
account for future audits.
Kind regards,
ECA-Info team
[9]https://www.eca.europa.eu/PublishingImag... ECA-INFO
Information Desk
12, rue Alcide De
Gasperi - L-1615
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From: ECA-INFO <[ECA request email]>
Sent: Tuesday 7 June 2022 16:00
To: Jasper Roorda <[FOI #11403 email]>
Cc: ECA-INFO <[ECA request email]>
Subject: RE: access to documents request - IBF international consulting
Dear Mr Roorda,
Thank you for contacting the European Court of Auditors (ECA).
We acknowledge receipt of your message of 3 June 2022. Your request is
currently under treatment and we will provide you with a reply in due
Kind regards
[14]https://www.eca.europa.eu/PublishingImag... ECA-INFO
Information Desk
12, rue Alcide De
Gasperi - L-1615
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