Information on Meetings with Cabinet members of Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete

The request was partially successful.

Dear Climate Action,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

All documentation (including but not limited to all email correspondence, attendance lists, agendas, background papers, and minutes/notes) relating to the meetings listed below:

1. Between Enagás S.A. and Cabinet members of Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete on the 23/07/2019.

2. Between 18/06/2019 and Cabinet members of Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete on the 18/06/2019.

Yours faithfully,
Jake Carbone,
40 Bermondsey Street,

Climate Action

3 Attachments

Dear Mr. Carbone,


Further to Your application for access to documents – GestDem 2019/6075,
please find attached an advance copy of the reply to your request, the
original will be send by registered letter with acknowledgement of


Best regards,



Access to Documents team



European Commission

Directorate-General for Climate Action

Av. de Beaulieu 24

1049 Brussels