Dear European Union Satellite Centre,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

On 5th July 2013 The European Satellite Centre sent a reminder to Ireland (Dept of Foreign Affairs, international Security Policy & Dept of Defence International Security & Defence Policy Branch) for contributions to the SatCen 2013 Operational Budget.
This contribution was outstanding since the initial reminder on 30/04/13.

"Please note Art 9 Para 9 of SatCen Financial Rules: "Any amount receivable not paid on the due date shall bear interest. The interest rate for amounts receivable not paid on the due date shall be the rate applied by the European Central Bank to its principal refinancing operations, as published din the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union, in force of the first calendar date of the month in which the due date falls, increased by (a) seven percentage points where the obligating event is a service rendered; (b) three and a half percentage points in all other cases. Interest shall be calculated from the calendar day following the due date specified in the call for funds up to the calendar day on which the debt is paid in full."

I would like to request the amount Ireland payed on interest as a result of their late payment?

How late was this payment?

Overall contribution from Ireland that was paid in that contribution?

Yours faithfully,

Eamon Donoghue

Eric Jeurissen, European Union Satellite Centre

I would like to request the amount Ireland paid on interest as a result of
their late payment?

No interest penalties were applied to Ireland


How late was this payment?

Payment for the First Call for Funds was received on 8^th July 2013. While
Provisional Call for Funds (issued on 22^nd February 2013) and Second Call
for Funds (1^st June 2013) were timely paid  (11^th March and 17^th June,
respectively). Due to the historical timely practice of payments, it was
presumable that First Call for Funds (issued on 30^th April 2013) was not
paid only due to an administrative error. This fact was confirmed: the
letter never reached its destination. Immediately after the Centre sent a
reminder for the pending 1st Call for Funds (4^th July), payment was duly
made (8^th July 2013). For this reason, the Centre decided NOT to charge
late penalties.


Overall contribution from Ireland that was paid in that contribution?

Overall contribution from Ireland in 2013 was 118.233,63€ for the
Operational Budget and 8.636,10€ to the Pensions Budget.




Eric Jeurissen

Coordination Support Manager EU SatCen

00 34 91 678 6022



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