ITRE list of competences

The request was successful.

Dear ENVI Committee,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

The division of competencies between ENVI and ITRE including:
- list of issues treated as ENVI committee's "exclusive competences";
- list of issues treated as ENVI committee's "joint competences" with other committee;
- list of cases where ENVI had the lead, with ITRE associated;
- list of cases where ENVI was associated committee, with ITRE as a lead committee.
The requested information shall include a period since 14 July 2009.

Yours faithfully,

PhD Fellow,
Faculty of Social Science, Department of European Integration,
University of Osnabrück

Registre, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Selianko,
European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request. You will receive
a reply within 15 working days.
Kind regards,

European Parliament
Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services
Directorate for the Library
[1][email address]




Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Registre, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Slianko,
-        Regarding the division of competencies between ENVI and ITRE
please consult Annex VII (Powers and responsibilities of standing
committees) of Parliament's Rules of Procedure (dated July 2009)
-       For the ENVI procedures of the 7^th parliamentary term (2009-2014)
please consult :
                either :
         - the ENVI Activity Report on the 7th parliamentary term
-       the Parliament's Legislative Observatory
[3] ,
(various options for automatic sorting in the right side of the screen). 
By clicking on the number of procedure you obtain the "Procedure File"
with full information on leading committee and associated committees
-       For the ENVI procedures of the 8^th parliamentary term
(2014-       ) please consult :
        - the dedicated pages "Reports"  (adopted procedures) in the
webpage of ENVI Committee,
        -       the dedicated pages " Work in progress"  (ongoing work) :
        - the Parliament's Legislative Observatory
If we can provide further assistance to your research please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,

European Parliament
Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services
Directorate for the Library
[6][email address]


show quoted sections

Dear team of the Transparency Unit,

Thank you very much for the reply.

The provided information is definitely very useful for someone who has a limited experience with the available online document search. Your response, however, does not answer the question about the share of exclusive and joined competences.

I would like to specify that the question is beyond the Annex VII and refers to the internal agreement on cooperation between the committees. For the sake of clarification, here is an example of the document that laid the devision of competences in 2011: Letter to the Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs. Annex “Agreement on cooperation”. Section 2 of the part II (Detailed arrangements for the cooperation between ITRE and ENVI (IPOL-COM-ENVI D(2011)32119, 22.06.2011, 310368).
I would be very grateful to get the complete information on the issue for the period until July 2014.

Yours sincerely,


Registre, European Parliament

10 Attachments

  • Attachment


    8K Download

  • Attachment

    2010 04 20 201518 Emission performance standards for new light commercial vehicles 2009 0173 COD.pdf

    118K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    2010 12 14 204973 Greenhouse gas emission reductions and risk of carbon leakage INI.pdf

    193K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    2011 06 22 310368 A roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050 INI.pdf

    205K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    2012 11 30 320531 CO2 emissions from new light commercial vehicles COD 2012 0191.pdf

    91K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    2012 11 30 320532 CO2 emissions from new passenger cars COD 2012 0190.pdf

    92K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    2013 06 05 309653 Carbon capture and storage technology in Europe INI.pdf

    70K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    2013 06 25 311118 A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies INI.pdf

    72K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    2013 02 04 301622 Fuels and energy from renewable sources COD 2012 0288.pdf

    73K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    2011 02 08 302397 Effective raw materials strategy for Europe INI.pdf

    133K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Selianko,


Further to your clarifications Parliament has the pleasure to forward you
the two following links and to enclose nine letters relevant to internal
agreements on cooperation between the ENVI/ITRE committees until July 2014






201518  20.04.2010,         204973  14.12.2010,         310368  

320532 30.11.2012,          309653 05.06.2013,          311118 25.06.2013,

301622  04.02.2013,         302397  08.02.2011 and 320531  30.112012,


We hope this  completes your research.


Kind regards,


European Parliament
Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services
Directorate for the Library
[4][email address]


show quoted sections


Thank you for your letter. The attached documents are very helpful.

However, the two provided links to the "PV-Minutes" at do not function.

I would be very grateful, if you can provide the mentioned documents (namely "pv 202011-04-07-net1_en.pdf" and "pv 202012-04-19-net_en.pdf")

Yours sincerely,


Registre, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Selianko,
please find enclosed the links to the Minutes of the  Conference of
Presidents, published in the Public Register  :
07.04.2011 :
19.04.2012 :
Kind regards,

European Parliament
Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services
Directorate for the Library
[3][email address]



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