JORA variables for Boat Interceptions under Operations Triton, Themis, Sophia, and Irini (2014-2020)

The request was partially successful.

Katherine Hoffmann

Dear European Border and Coast Guard Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information listed below:

JORA variables for migrant boat interceptions under Operations Triton, Themis, Sophia, and Irini (2014-2020) in Microsoft Excel or CSV format.

Detection date
Search and rescue involved
Total number of irregular migrants
Death cases
Irregular migrants in SAR cases
Type of detected by
Latitude detection
Longitude detection
Latitude interception
Longitude interception
Detection by Frontex financed/deployed asset
Type of intercepted by
Interception by Frontex financed/deployed asset
Operational area
Transport type
Reference to op.area
Frontex financed/deployed asset during an incident
Country/place of departure
Number of transport means
Number of people
Additional Vessel Information

I model this request on the partially successful request of Giacomo Battiston in September 2017:
However, I am requesting to extend the time horizon and scope of the dataset. Furthermore, I am hoping that some of the historical location data from the Frontex operational area, which was previously considered sensitive and redacted, might now be available since it is a few years old.

Thank you in advance for your consideration of my request.

Yours faithfully,

Katherine Hoffmann

European Border and Coast Guard Agency

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Katherine Hoffmann

Dear European Border and Coast Guard Agency,

Thank you for your prompt reply. I tried to sign in via the link you provided but I am getting a message "Invalid token data provided" for REDF3KA3UX. Are you able to confirm that the token is working? My apologies for the trouble.

Yours faithfully,

Katherine Hoffmann

PAD, European Border and Coast Guard Agency

Dear Ms Hoffmann,


We have verified the access credentials sent on 13 July 2020  to the email
address you have provided and we are pleased to confirm their


Yours sincerely,

Transparency Office



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Katherine Hoffmann

Dear PAD,

Thank you for your reply, and again, I am really sorry for the difficulties. I tested the credentials but I am still not able to log in (I've tried at least 10 times at this point). Please find a screenshot of the issue here:

Are you able to connect me to someone that might assist with technical support?

Yours sincerely,

Katherine Hoffmann

PAD, European Border and Coast Guard Agency

Dear Ms Hoffhman,

The email address in the link is not the email address you have used to apply for public access to documents.

Yours sincerely,
Transparency Office

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Katherine Hoffmann

Dear PAD,

Thank you for clarifying.

- In the document I linked, I provided the address to which I receive all AskTheEU correspondence (this is in my AskTheEU profile and it is the one via which I currently am notified of your replies).
- When placing a request, there does not appear to be a way to independently supply a separate e-mail address, so I am not sure how the request became affiliated with another address.
- Nevertheless, I did try every other e-mail address that I can think of, but have not been able to log in.

Is there a way for me to find out which e-mail you have on record, and/or for the request to be issued to the e-mail address in the previously linked document? Thank you in advance and again, I am sorry for your trouble.

Yours sincerely,

Katherine Hoffmann

PAD, European Border and Coast Guard Agency

Dear Ms Hoffmann,

The email address through which Frontex has received your application is:
[FOI #8346 email]g

As regards the credentials provided by Frontex their functionality has been verified. Kindly note that Frontex is not in a position to confirm credentials provided by the media used by applicants to submit applications and cannot be held liable for deficiencies of the media used by applicants to submit applications.

We remain at your disposal how to further accommodate your needs within the Frontex remit.

Yours sincerely,
Transparency Office

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Dear European Border and Coast Guard Agency,

I am writing to thank you for your efforts to comply with my request and to provide annual data on detections and interceptions. They are truly appreciated.

I have had the time to review your response and because my request has been met with an incomplete answer, I am hoping to submit a confirmatory application pursuant to Article 7(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. I wish to draw your attention to the following considerations:

1. In the released data file, Frontex has aggregated all records by category and year, but no clear reason for this aggregation is provided (and in fact, if the full set of incident variables had been shared, aggregation would not have been possible since events would generally have been uniquely identified). Would it be possible to receive incident-level records?

2. Your response has identified a number of variables to be redacted. However, the redacted fields have previously been provided for a subset of records in another request (, as I noted in my original request. Are you able to clarify why these records were previously considered acceptable for release but are no longer permissible?

3. Furthermore, I believe that some fields and subsets of the data would not “refer to specificities of the operational area” or “technical equipment” and may be eligible for release. Specifically,

a. Fields like “date” or “type of detected by” do not refer to specificities of the operational area. Would it be possible to release these fields?

b. Based on the previous data release it appears that many of the incidents were detected or intercepted by non-Frontex assets – such as migrant or civilian calls, commercial/fishing boats, merchant vessels, NGO vessels, and other government/patrol vessels that are not part of Frontex’s operations. Would it be possible to obtain complete, unredacted records of such incidents?
i. Typically one would not expect that these vessels deliberately deploy a secretive interception strategy, and the majority of their movements are publicly visible in AIS data
ii. Releasing this information would actually yield insights into the strategy of migrant smugglers, rather than Frontex – which should better inform efforts at detection and interception in line with Frontex objectives.

c. Similarly, would it be possible to obtain unredacted records for incidents outside of Frontex’s operational area?

4. More broadly, I would like to question the broader justification for redacting these fields. Your letter states that “disclosing pieces of information regarding these variables...would benefit the smuggling and other criminal networks that would change their modus operandi...[and deprive] officials of any strategy and element of surprise.” However, I would note that:
a. In expectation smugglers would be aware of where and if their vessels have been intercepted and have likely already have made efforts to anticipate and evade Frontex’s operations.
b. For this reason, it is my understanding that both Frontex and smuggling modus operandi change frequently. For example, the Libyan Coast Guard currently plays a much larger role in interceptions than before. Consequently, it is not clear that data older than six months would necessarily provide valuable insights into the current situation.
c. In order for the disclosure of this information to benefit smugglers, the data would need to be shared with criminal networks. However as you note “making this/these work/s available to third parties in this or another form without prior authorization of Frontex is prohibited” and therefore it is not clear how this data would fall into the hands of smugglers.
d. This data will be used for academic research to model migration outcomes and will never be shared in raw form. I am happy to comply with any further directives from Frontex on how the data can be discussed or summarized.
e. In general, I believe the release of this data is in the public interest. In addition to meeting the EU’s stated goal of transparency, releasing the data will help inform migration research with the broader objective of reducing loss of life at sea and advocating for means of safe and legal passage.

Thank you for considering my comments and for your efforts to comply with my request. Once again, I know that access to documents is a privilege and I sincerely appreciate your response.

Yours faithfully,

Katherine Hoffmann

European Border and Coast Guard Agency

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