Letters to the Conference of Presidents

The request was successful.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Letters TO the Conference of Presidents FROM the Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs on the requests for association procedure and joint competence, including the letters:
- PE 469.627/CPG and annexes;
- PE 469.618/CPG and annexes;
- PE 473.120/CPG and annexes;
- PE 575.533/CPG and annexes;
- PE 567.414/CPG and annexes;
- PE 559.683/CPG and annexes;
- PE 548.137/CPG and annexes;
- PE 548.138/CPG and annexes;
- PE 548.076/CPG and annexes;
- PE 547.999/CPG and annexes;
- PE 542.871/CPG and annexes;
- PE 542.820/CPG and annexes;
- PE 559.659/CPG and annexes;
- PE 542.782/CPG and annexes;
- PE 538.403/CPG and annexes;

This request also includes all other letters to the Conference of Presidents from the Legal Service or the standing committees concerning the joint competence and the application of procedure with associated committees.

The requested documents include the letters send during the 6th, 7th and 8th parliamentary terms.

Yours faithfully,


AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Selianko,


European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request. You will receive
a reply within 15 working days.


Kind regards,


[1]cid:image001.png@01D2A26B.2198D430 TRANSPARENCY UNIT
European Parliament
Directorate-General for Parliamentary
Research Services
Directorate for the Library
[2][email address]



show quoted sections

AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Selianko,

You recently sent to the European Parliament, under Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001, an exceptionally large request for access to documents
referenced A (2017) 3623  (the requested documents are listed at the
bottom of this mail).

Article 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 provides that ‘in the event
of an application relating to a very long document or a very large number
of documents, the institution concerned may confer with the applicant
informally with a view to finding a fair solution.

A fair solution would give Parliament the possibility to assess each
document within the statutory deadlines.  It does not prejudge on whether
access to the documents can be granted or not under Regulation (EC) No

Therefore, in order to find a fair solution which meets your needs without
jeopardizing the work of Parliament’s services, Parliament would like to
invite you to narrow down your request.  In case you wish to discuss your
request over the telephone please give us your phone number and let us
know the best time to reach you.

A fair solution would not curtail your right to access documents under
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. You remain free, and welcome, to send
requests for access to the documents who might be excluded from the
current request, and any other document you would wish to access. 

Until reception of your reply under 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001,
the statutory deadline cannot run.  In the absence of any answer within 20
working days, your application will be considered withdrawn and the file

We look forward to reading from you.


Kind regards

European Parliament
Directorate-General of Presidency  
Directorate for Inter-institutional Affairs
[2][email address]

A (2017) 3623 

Letters TO the Conference of Presidents FROM the Chair of the Conference
of Committee Chairs on the requests for association procedure and joint
competence, including the letters:

- PE 469.627/CPG and annexes;

- PE 469.618/CPG and annexes;

- PE 473.120/CPG and annexes;

- PE 575.533/CPG and annexes;

- PE 567.414/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.683/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.137/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.138/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.076/CPG and annexes;

- PE 547.999/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.871/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.820/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.659/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.782/CPG and annexes;

- PE 538.403/CPG and annexes;


This request also includes all other letters to the Conference of
Presidents from the Legal Service or the standing committees concerning
the joint competence and the application of procedure with associated

The requested documents include the letters send during the 6th, 7th and
8th parliamentary terms.



Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWeb

AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Selianko,

Following our phone conversation we would like to confirm that the narrow
down of request A (2017) 3623 consists in providing you the documents
included in the 15 references you gave by your request of 20.03.2017

- PE 469.627/CPG and annexes;

- PE 469.618/CPG and annexes;

- PE 473.120/CPG and annexes;

- PE 575.533/CPG and annexes;

- PE 567.414/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.683/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.137/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.138/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.076/CPG and annexes;

- PE 547.999/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.871/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.820/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.659/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.782/CPG and annexes;

- PE 538.403/CPG and annexes;


The aforementioned documents will be identified and assessed and you will
receive a reply not later than 12.04.2017 (the temporary suspension was
only one day, and so is the deadline's extension).   It does not prejudge
on whether access to the documents can be granted or not under Regulation
(EC) No 1049/2001.  You remain free, and welcome, to send requests for
access to any other document you would wish to access. 


Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.

Kind regards,


European Parliament
Directorate-General of Presidency  
Directorate for Inter-institutional Affairs
[2][email address]

From: AccesDocs
Sent: 24 March 2017 17:39
To: 'IULII SELIANKO' <[FOI #4105 email]>
Subject: A (2017) 3623 EM Clarification


Dear Mr Selianko,

You recently sent to the European Parliament, under Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001, an exceptionally large request for access to documents
referenced A (2017) 3623  (the requested documents are listed at the
bottom of this mail).

Article 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 provides that ‘in the event
of an application relating to a very long document or a very large number
of documents, the institution concerned may confer with the applicant
informally with a view to finding a fair solution.

A fair solution would give Parliament the possibility to assess each
document within the statutory deadlines.  It does not prejudge on whether
access to the documents can be granted or not under Regulation (EC) No

Therefore, in order to find a fair solution which meets your needs without
jeopardizing the work of Parliament’s services, Parliament would like to
invite you to narrow down your request.  In case you wish to discuss your
request over the telephone please give us your phone number and let us
know the best time to reach you.

A fair solution would not curtail your right to access documents under
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. You remain free, and welcome, to send
requests for access to the documents who might be excluded from the
current request, and any other document you would wish to access. 

Until reception of your reply under 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001,
the statutory deadline cannot run.  In the absence of any answer within 20
working days, your application will be considered withdrawn and the file

We look forward to reading from you.


Kind regards

European Parliament
Directorate-General of Presidency  
Directorate for Inter-institutional Affairs
[5][email address]

A (2017) 3623 

Letters TO the Conference of Presidents FROM the Chair of the Conference
of Committee Chairs on the requests for association procedure and joint
competence, including the letters:

- PE 469.627/CPG and annexes;

- PE 469.618/CPG and annexes;

- PE 473.120/CPG and annexes;

- PE 575.533/CPG and annexes;

- PE 567.414/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.683/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.137/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.138/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.076/CPG and annexes;

- PE 547.999/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.871/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.820/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.659/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.782/CPG and annexes;

- PE 538.403/CPG and annexes;


This request also includes all other letters to the Conference of
Presidents from the Legal Service or the standing committees concerning
the joint competence and the application of procedure with associated

The requested documents include the letters send during the 6th, 7th and
8th parliamentary terms.



Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWeb
5. mailto:[email address]
6. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWeb

AccesDocs, European Parliament

16 Attachments

Dear Mr Selianko,

In reply to your request, as circumscribed under the 'fair solution
agreement' please find enclosed the requested documents and annexes.

- PE 469.627/CPG and annexes; (203404 14.09.2011, 312048 14.07.2011,
203305 12.09.2011, 314165 29.08.2011, 314375 01.09.2011)

- PE 469.618/CPG and annexes; (203313 12.09.2011, 310395 22.06.2011,
202504 07.06.2011, 307677 04.05.2011, 305270 25.03.2011)

- PE 473.120/CPG and annexes; (203849 28.09.2011, 310604 24.06.2011,
309881 15.06.2011)

- PE 575.533/CPG and annexes; (300736 14.01.2016, 316192 06.10.2015,
203593 27.10.2015)

- PE 567.414/CPG and annexes; (320286 30.11.2015, 200794 10.03.2015,
308359 13.05.2015, 308964 28.05.2015)

- PE 559.683/CPG and annexes; (202388 08.07.2015)

- PE 548.137/CPG and annexes; (303907 03.03.2015, 319005 19.11.2014,
204414 16.12.2014)

- PE 548.138/CPG and annexes; (303906 03.03.2015, 316844 23.10.2014,
318509 13.11.2014, 302102 06.02.2015)

- PE 548.076/CPG and annexes; (200519 11.02.2015)

- PE 547.999/CPG and annexes; (301338 27.01.2015, 317135 28.10.2014,
318310 11.11.2014, 204019 24.11.2014, 319957 04.12.2014, 204657

- PE 542.871/CPG and annexes; (300452 09.01.2015, 314954 29.09.2014,
313770 11.09.2014)

- PE 542.820/CPG and annexes; (320544 12.12.2014)

- PE 559.659/CPG and annexes; (SJ-0394/15 25.06.2015)

- PE 542.782/CPG and annexes; (319527 01.12.2014, 200978 25.02.2014,
301341 22.01.2014

- PE 538.403/CPG and annexes; (316912 24.10.2014, 314601 24.09.2014,
202964 16.09.2014, 313585 09.09.2014)


Parliament trusts that the foregoing satisfies your request and thus
considers the file closed.  However should you identify another
document(s) of the European Parliament you would like to obtain access to,
please do not hesitate to submit a new request.


Kind regards,

European Parliament
Directorate-General of Presidency  
Directorate for Inter-institutional Affairs
[2][email address]

From: AccesDocs
Sent: 28 March 2017 12:23
To: 'IULII SELIANKO' <[FOI #4105 email]>
Subject: RE: A (2017) 3623 EM Clarification


Dear Mr Selianko,

Following our phone conversation we would like to confirm that the narrow
down of request A (2017) 3623 consists in providing you the documents
included in the 15 references you gave by your request of 20.03.2017

- PE 469.627/CPG and annexes;

- PE 469.618/CPG and annexes;

- PE 473.120/CPG and annexes;

- PE 575.533/CPG and annexes;

- PE 567.414/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.683/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.137/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.138/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.076/CPG and annexes;

- PE 547.999/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.871/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.820/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.659/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.782/CPG and annexes;

- PE 538.403/CPG and annexes;


The aforementioned documents will be identified and assessed and you will
receive a reply not later than 12.04.2017 (the temporary suspension was
only one day, and so is the deadline's extension).   It does not prejudge
on whether access to the documents can be granted or not under Regulation
(EC) No 1049/2001.  You remain free, and welcome, to send requests for
access to any other document you would wish to access. 


Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.

Kind regards,


European Parliament
Directorate-General of Presidency  
Directorate for Inter-institutional Affairs
[5][email address]

From: AccesDocs
Sent: 24 March 2017 17:39
To: 'IULII SELIANKO' <[7][FOI #4105 email]>
Subject: A (2017) 3623 EM Clarification


Dear Mr Selianko,

You recently sent to the European Parliament, under Regulation (EC) No
1049/2001, an exceptionally large request for access to documents
referenced A (2017) 3623  (the requested documents are listed at the
bottom of this mail).

Article 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 provides that ‘in the event
of an application relating to a very long document or a very large number
of documents, the institution concerned may confer with the applicant
informally with a view to finding a fair solution.

A fair solution would give Parliament the possibility to assess each
document within the statutory deadlines.  It does not prejudge on whether
access to the documents can be granted or not under Regulation (EC) No

Therefore, in order to find a fair solution which meets your needs without
jeopardizing the work of Parliament’s services, Parliament would like to
invite you to narrow down your request.  In case you wish to discuss your
request over the telephone please give us your phone number and let us
know the best time to reach you.

A fair solution would not curtail your right to access documents under
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. You remain free, and welcome, to send
requests for access to the documents who might be excluded from the
current request, and any other document you would wish to access. 

Until reception of your reply under 6(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001,
the statutory deadline cannot run.  In the absence of any answer within 20
working days, your application will be considered withdrawn and the file

We look forward to reading from you.


Kind regards

European Parliament
Directorate-General of Presidency  
Directorate for Inter-institutional Affairs
[9][email address]

A (2017) 3623 

Letters TO the Conference of Presidents FROM the Chair of the Conference
of Committee Chairs on the requests for association procedure and joint
competence, including the letters:

- PE 469.627/CPG and annexes;

- PE 469.618/CPG and annexes;

- PE 473.120/CPG and annexes;

- PE 575.533/CPG and annexes;

- PE 567.414/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.683/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.137/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.138/CPG and annexes;

- PE 548.076/CPG and annexes;

- PE 547.999/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.871/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.820/CPG and annexes;

- PE 559.659/CPG and annexes;

- PE 542.782/CPG and annexes;

- PE 538.403/CPG and annexes;


This request also includes all other letters to the Conference of
Presidents from the Legal Service or the standing committees concerning
the joint competence and the application of procedure with associated

The requested documents include the letters send during the 6th, 7th and
8th parliamentary terms.



Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWeb
5. mailto:[email address]
6. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWeb
7. mailto:[FOI #4105 email]
9. mailto:[email address]
10. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWeb

Dear AccesDocs,

Following the original request, I am specifying the final list of documents. This is the second and final part of the narrowed request submitted in order to provide enough time for the processing.

The requested documents are the letters TO the Conference of Presidents FROM the Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs on the requests for association procedure:
6th term:

- a letter from Mr GALEOTE dated 23 May 2007 on the recommendations of the Conference of Committee Chairmen of May 2007 for reinforced cooperation between the parliamentary committees (Rule 47 of the RoP) (PE 389.961/CPG and annex);

- a letter of 14 March 2007 from Mr GARGANI on the recommendations of the Conference of Committee Chairmen concerning enhanced cooperation between parliamentary committees (PE 385.818/CPG). - (regarding the Prospects for the internal gas and electricity market (Committee responsible: ITRE and ECON request application of Rule 47));

- a letter of 25 April 2007 from Mr GALEOTE setting out the recommendations of the Conference of Committee Chairmen concerning enhanced cooperation between parliamentary committees (PE 388.188/CPG and annex) (regarding the air pollution (committee responsible: ENVI and TRAN request application of Rule 47);

- a letter of 20 June 2007 from Mr GALEOTE on the recommendations of the Conference of Committee Chairs of June 2007 on enhanced cooperation (Rule 47) between committees (PE 390.107/CPG and annex);

- letter of 11 March 2008 concerning requests for the application of Rule 47 submitted by the ENVI and ITRE committees concerning the package of proposals by the Commission on energy and climate change and on performance standards for emissions from new private cars (PE 402.344/CPG and annexes);

- a letter of 16 July 2008 from Mr GALEOTE (chairman of the Conference of Committee Chairmen) concerning his Conference's recommendations of 8 July 2008 in respect of associated-committee procedures (Rule 47) (PE 409.981/CPG and annex);

- a letter from Mr GALEOTE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, dated 16 July 2008 (PE 409.981/CPG and annex);

- the letter of 3 September 2008 from Mr MORILLON on the above-mentioned subject (PE 410.095/CPG and annex);

- a letter from Mr LANGEN and Mr GOEBBELS forwarding observations concerning the cooperation agreement concluded between the ENVI and ITRE committees on the energy and climate change package (PE 413.578/CPG);

-a letter dated 16 October 2008 from Mr OUZKY, Chairman of the Committee on the Environment (PE 413.535/CPG);

- a letter of 27 January 2009 from Mr GALEOTE on a request from the ITRE and ENVI committees for application of the associated committees procedure (Rule 47) in connection with a Commission legislative proposal (COM-2008-0543) (PE 417.370/CPG and annexes);

- letter from Mr SARYUSZ-WOLSKI and Mr BORRELL FONTELLES, dated 24 February 2009 (PE 421.759/CPG and annex);

- a letter from Ms ZABORSKA, dated 18 February 2009 (PE 417.438/CPG),

- a letter from Mr LEINEN, dated 17 December 2008 (PE 417.261/CPG);

- a letter from President PÖTTERING, dated 16 December 2008, to Ms ROTH-BEHRENDT (PE 417.231/CPG);

- a letter from Ms ROTH-BEHRENDT, dated 4 December 2008 (PE 417.163/CPG and annex);

- a letter from Mr GALEOTE, dated 8 December 2008 (PE 417.198/CPG and annex);

- a letter from Ms ROTH-BEHRENDT dated 4 December 2008 conveying the third interim report by the Working Group on Parliamentary Reform on aspects concerning Committees and Delegations (PE 417.163/CPG and annex);

7th term

- a letter from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, dated 16 December 2009 on the list of requests under Rule 50 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure concerning the procedure with associated committees (PE 432.391/CPG and annex);

- a letter of 25 November 2009 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs (PE 432.264/CPG and annexes).

- a letter of 16 September 2009 from Mr LEHNE on the recommendations of the Conference of Committee Chairs concerning the requests to apply the associated committee procedure pursuant to Rule 50 of the Rules of Procedure (PE 426.472/CPG and annexes);

- a letter from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, dated 15 December 2010, on the list of requests under Rule 50 (PE 455.387/CPG and annex);

- a letter from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, dated 24 November 2010, on the List of requests for authorisation of the associated- committees procedure (PE 452.243/CPG and annexes);

- a letter from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, dated 8 September 2010 on the Rule 50 of EP Rules of Procedure: List of requests for authorisation of the associated- committee procedure (PE 446.821/CPG and annexes);

- a letter from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, dated 8 September 2010 on requests under Rule 50 of the Rules of Procedure (PE 446.821 and annex);

- a letter from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, dated
7 July 2010, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 443.530/CPG and annexes);

- a letter dated 1 September 2010 from Mr LEINEN, Chair of the ENVI Committee, on two subjects on the agenda of the DEVE Committee the content of which falls under the ENVI Committee's competence (PE 443.634/CPG);

- a letter dated 7 July 2010 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on the list of requests for the application of Rule 50 of the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure concerning the procedure with associated committees, as approved by the Conference of Committee Chairs (PE 443.530/CPG and annex);

-a letter dated 15 June 2010 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on the list of requests under Rule 50 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure concerning the procedure with associated committees (PE 443.390/CPG and annex);

- letter dated 15 June 2010 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on a requests under Rule 51 of Parliament's Rules of Procedure with joint meetings of committees and a joint vote (PE 443.391/CPG and annexes);

- a letter dated 21 April 2010 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, with list of requests under Rule 50 on associated committee procedure (PE 440.796/CPG and annexes);

- a letter dated 15 December 2010 from the Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on List of requests for authorisation of the associated- committees procedure (PE 455.387/CPG);

- a letter dated 17 February 2011 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on a request for association under article 50 by Committees ENVI, INTA, DEVE and AGRI to a legislative report by the Committee ITRE on "An effective Raw Materials Strategy for Europe" (PE 457.950/CPG and annexes);

- a letter dated 17 February 2011 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on the associating the ENVI Committee to the ITRE Report in accordance with Rule 50, on the subject of effective Raw Materials Strategy for Europe (PE 457.950/CPG and annexes);

- a letter dated 5 July 2011 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on the list of requests under Rule 50 (PE 469.503/CPG and annexes);

- a letter dated 2 February 2012, from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 479.819/CPG and annex);

- a letter dated 29 March 2012, from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, (PE 482.882/CPG and annexes);

- a letter dated 26 June 2012 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs (PE 490.911/CPG and annexes);

- a letter dated 4 July 2012 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on requests for the application of Rule 50 concerning the procedure with associated committees. (PE 490.950/CPG and annexes)

- aletter dated 12 December 2012 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, in which he submits requests for the application of Rule 50 concerning the procedure with associated committees (PE 502.383/CPG and annexes);

- aletter dated 12 December 2012 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, in which he submits requests for the application of Rule 50 concerning the procedure with associated committees (PE 502.383/CPG and annexes);

- aletter of 5 February 2013 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, for application of Rule 50 of the Rules of Procedure for the following legislative report (PE 504.877/CPG);

- a letter dated 12 June 2013 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, in which he submits requests for the application of Rule 50 concerning the procedure with associated committees(PE 512.396/CPG);

- a letter by Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs, on 12 June 2013, on the application of Rule 51 of the Rules of Procedure for the own-initiative report (PE 512.406/CPG);

- letters from Ms SARTORI, Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, and from Mr GROOTE, Chair of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, on 25 June 2013, on the subject of "A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies" (COM(2013)0169)(PE 512.457/CPG and PE 512.468/CPG respectively);

- a letter dated 13 November 2013 from Mr DAUL, Chair of the EPP Group (PE 521.420/CPG), forwarding a request from the Presidents of the political Groups that the Committee on Constitutional Affairs address the suggestions regarding cooperation among committees and horizontal procedural issues;

- a letter dated 11 December 2013 from Mr LEHNE regarding a proposal to revise Annex VII of the Rules of Procedure which was submitted by the Coordination of Political Groups (PE 525.025/CPG)

Yours sincerely,


AccesDocs, European Parliament

OUR REF A(2017)9385

Dear M Selianko,

Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request. You will receive a reply within 15 working days.

Best regards,

PRES | Directorate General for the Presidency
Directorate for Interinstitutional Affairs and Legislative Coordination
[email address]

show quoted sections

AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Our ref.: A(2017)9385

Dear Mr Selianko,

Parliament has identified 43 documents answering your request. The list you provided to Parliament contained a number of documents that appeared twice. Please find in attach your list numbered and with respective comments.

The size of the electronic files of the documents exceeding the limit for email attachments, a temporary link (http://www.europarl.europa.eu/EPRS/Trans...) has been created from which you can download the documents. This link will be available during the next 15 working days starting from today. The documents will also be made available on the public register of Parliament documents as soon as technically possible.

Sincere regards

European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency