list of email addresses of MEP's in Foreign Affairs Afet
Dear European Parliament,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
I would like access to a list of all MEPs, active in AFET or Foreign Affairs (updated version for 2018) in a machine readable electronic format that will include at least:
- first name and surname, email address and country of origin.
This information was provided by to Xavier Dutoit on January 26, 2014 with regards to the previous list of MEPs and also this information has been provided to Pawel Nowacki on January 28,2016.
Yours faithfully,
Edouard Prisse
Dear Mr Prisse
Further to your request regarding the list of MEPs active in AFET, please
note that two lists of Members are available on the Public Register of
Documents :
- the list of Members in a machine readable format you refer to, last
updated on 08 February 2018; this list however does not include the
composition of committees
- the so called "Liste grise", in a word format, including the composition
of committees (last updated on 04 April 2018;
Kind regards
European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency
Interinstitutional Affairs and Legislative
[3][email address]