list of representatives of European Political Parties

The request was successful.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

A current list of representatives in the European Parliament of all European Political Parties and an anonymised current list of representatives in national or regional parliaments of all European Political Parties.

Yours faithfully,

Volker Schmid

AccesDocs, European Parliament

Our ref.: A(2017)1233

Dear Mr Volker,

Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request. You will receive a reply within 15 working days.

Best regards,

European Parliament
Directorate-General for the Presidency

show quoted sections

AccesDocs, European Parliament

3 Attachments

Our reference: A(2017)1233



Dear Mr Schmid,


Please find attached tables compiling the information about European
political parties and their representatives that you asked for.


We trust the foregoing satisfies your request and your file is thus
closed. However should you identify a document(s) of the European
Parliament you would like to obtain access to, please do not hesitate to
submit a new request.


Kind regards,




European Parliament
Directorate General for the
Directorate for
Inter-Institutional Affairs
and Legislative Coordination


[2]Public Register webpage





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3. mailto:[email address]