Dear Permanent Representation of Netherlands to the EU,

With reference to the Law on the Openness of Administration (WOB), I would like to request the following information:

How many meetings have employees of the the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union had with representatives of companies, organisations and other stakeholders, since 28 June 2018?

I would like to request a list of these meetings including who was present at the meeting, the names of the organisations and lobbyists present, the date of the meeting, and the subject matters discussed.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Vicky Cann
Corporate Europe Observatory

WOB, Permanent Representation of Netherlands to the EU

Dear Vicky Cann,

I hereby acknowledge receipt of your email of 2 July 2020, in which you requested information about meetings at the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union. You requested this information on the basis of the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur, WOB).

Your application will be assessed and handled by the Permanent Representation. You will receive a response by the end of September at the latest. Know that the Permanent Representation has the commitment to process the request as quickly as possible. However, the holiday period can be a delaying factor.

If you have any questions concerning the status of your application, please contact [email address].

Yours sincerely,

Administrative support WOB
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Affairs Department | Netherlands Law Division
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XP | The Hague | The Netherlands
P.O. Box 20061 | 2500 EB | The Hague | The Netherlands

show quoted sections

WOB, Permanent Representation of Netherlands to the EU

Dear Vicky Cann,

As follow-up to the e-mail below, I would like to inform you that you will receive a response in the week of 12-16 October 2020.

I hereby apology for the delay.

Administrative support WOB
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Affairs Department | Netherlands Law Division
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XP | The Hague | The Netherlands
P.O. Box 20061 | 2500 EB | The Hague | The Netherlands

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: WOB <[email address]>
Verzonden: woensdag 8 juli 2020 15:16
Aan: [FOI #8290 email]
CC: WOB <[email address]>
Onderwerp: RE: access to documents request - Lobby meetings of NL Perm Rep

Dear Vicky Cann,

I hereby acknowledge receipt of your email of 2 July 2020, in which you requested information about meetings at the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union. You requested this information on the basis of the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur, WOB).

Your application will be assessed and handled by the Permanent Representation. You will receive a response by the end of September at the latest. Know that the Permanent Representation has the commitment to process the request as quickly as possible. However, the holiday period can be a delaying factor.

If you have any questions concerning the status of your application, please contact [email address].

Yours sincerely,

Administrative support WOB
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Affairs Department | Netherlands Law Division
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XP | The Hague | The Netherlands
P.O. Box 20061 | 2500 EB | The Hague | The Netherlands

show quoted sections

WOB, Permanent Representation of Netherlands to the EU

1 Attachment

Dear Vicky Cann,

Please find attached the decision on your request of information about meetings at the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union.

Yours sincerely,

Administrative support WOB
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Affairs Department | Netherlands Law Division
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XP | The Hague | The Netherlands
P.O. Box 20061 | 2500 EB | The Hague | The Netherlands

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: WOB
Verzonden: maandag 5 oktober 2020 16:08
Aan: [FOI #8290 email]
Onderwerp: RE: access to documents request - Lobby meetings of NL Perm Rep

Dear Vicky Cann,

As follow-up to the e-mail below, I would like to inform you that you will receive a response in the week of 12-16 October 2020.

I hereby apology for the delay.

Administrative support WOB
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Affairs Department | Netherlands Law Division
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XP | The Hague | The Netherlands
P.O. Box 20061 | 2500 EB | The Hague | The Netherlands

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: WOB <[email address]>
Verzonden: woensdag 8 juli 2020 15:16
Aan: [FOI #8290 email]
CC: WOB <[email address]>
Onderwerp: RE: access to documents request - Lobby meetings of NL Perm Rep

Dear Vicky Cann,

I hereby acknowledge receipt of your email of 2 July 2020, in which you requested information about meetings at the Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union. You requested this information on the basis of the Government Information (Public Access) Act (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur, WOB).

Your application will be assessed and handled by the Permanent Representation. You will receive a response by the end of September at the latest. Know that the Permanent Representation has the commitment to process the request as quickly as possible. However, the holiday period can be a delaying factor.

If you have any questions concerning the status of your application, please contact [email address].

Yours sincerely,

Administrative support WOB
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Affairs Department | Netherlands Law Division
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XP | The Hague | The Netherlands
P.O. Box 20061 | 2500 EB | The Hague | The Netherlands

show quoted sections

Dear WOB,

Thanks very much for the reply and data.

Is it possible to have the data in a machine-readable format please as it is 1000+ data lines? Also, could you please include your categorisation data too; that would be very useful.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Vicky Cann

WOB, Permanent Representation of Netherlands to the EU

1 Attachment

Dear Vicky Cann,

Please find attached, as requested, the data in a machine-readable format. We do not have the categorization data in a document that can be shared. We hope that you can move forward with the attachment.

Yours sincerely,

Administrative support WOB
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Legal Affairs Department | Netherlands Law Division
Rijnstraat 8 | 2515 XP | The Hague | The Netherlands
P.O. Box 20061 | 2500 EB | The Hague | The Netherlands

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