MEP Expenses for Nigel Farage

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, European Parliament should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Details of all expenses claims made and paid to Nigel Farage, UKIP MEP, since he was elected in 1999.

Details of all expenses claims made by Nigel Farage that were refused, since he was elected in 1999.

Yours faithfully,

Carlos Alba

AccesDocs, European Parliament

Our ref.: A(2016)9327


Dear Mr Alba,


European Parliament acknowledges receipt of your request, which will be
processed as quickly as possible. You will receive a reply within 15
working days.


Best regards




EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Directorate for the Library
[1][email address]



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

AccesDocs, European Parliament

OUR REFERENCES A(2016)9327, 9328, 9330

Dear Mr Alba,

In reply to your applications concerning records related to the behaviour of MEP Nigel Farage, we would like to provide you the following information:

- As regards records of MEPs non-attendance, please note that Parliament Rules of Procedure do not foresee such records:

On this basis, the minutes of the plenary sessions contain an attendance list:

Also the minutes of the committee meetings contain an attendance list:

No aggregate data by MEP are collected. In this respect you may consult the information provided by the independent organisation Vote Watch:

You may also consult the information provided on the issue in reply to a previous request:

- Parliament would like to draw your attention on the search tools provided on the public register of Parliament documents website, with the possibility to identify specific documents using and cross-checking different criteria, including key words, topics, etc:

+ As regards any records concerning disciplinary measures, using the relevant key words, a search in the public register of Parliament documents provides the following results:

Plenary minutes: (point 2)

Bureau minutes:

Conference of Presidents minutes:

Moreover, Court Case T-564/11 deals with the issue:

+ No specific correspondence on the subject has been identified on the basis of the same criteria

On the basis of the foregoing Parliament considers these applications closed.

Concerning your application for individual breakdown of expenses claims, a formal decision has been adopted by the competent authority. In accordance with Article 8(3) of the European Parliament's Bureau Decision of 28 November 2001 (OJ C 216, 22.7.2011, p. 19,, you are kindly invited to provide us with your postal address with a view to permitting Parliament to duly communicate the decision to you.

Indeed, pursuant to Article 297(2) (3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, notification by registered letter is required in order to ensure legal certainty as regards due notification of Parliament's decision.

Until reception of this information, Parliament is not in a position to notify to you its decision concerning documents revealing breakdowns of expenses.

Best regards,

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Directorate for the Library

AccesDocs, European Parliament

Our ref.: A(2016)9327

Dear Mr Alba,

On 26 July 2016 the European Parliament registered your application for public access to documents related to the expenditure and allowances of Mr Farage as Member of the European Parliament (MEP). A formal decision regarding that application was taken with accordance to the Article 7 (3) of the Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 on 11 August.

In accordance with Article 8(3) of the European Parliament's Bureau Decision of 28 November 2001 (OJ C 216, 22.7.2011, p. 19,, Parliament kindly invited you, with mail of 5 August, to provide your postal address with a view to permitting the decision to be duly notified to you.

Indeed, pursuant to Article 297(2) (3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, notification by registered letter is required in order to ensure legal certainty as regards due notification of Parliament's decision.

Until reception of this information, Parliament is not in a position to notify to you its decision. In the absence of any answer by 20 September 2016, your application will be considered withdrawn and the file closed.

Sincere regards

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service Directorate for the Library
AccesDocs at ep dot europa dot eu

Dear AccesDocs,

My postal address is 106 Ormonde Avenue, Glasgow G443SL, Scotland UK

Yours sincerely,

Carlos Alba

Dear AccesDocs,

My postal address is 106 Ormonde Avenue, Glasgow G443SL, Scotland, UK

Yours sincerely,

Carlos Alba