Dear Justice and Consumers,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- Detailed minutes of the exchange between Commissioner Didier Reynders, Cabinet members Lucrezia Busa and Geneviève Tuts, and representatives of Facebook Ireland Limited (Meta) during their meeting on January 11 2022. Should detailed minutes be unavailable I would ask that a written summary of the meeting be made available.

- All correspondence (i.e. any emails, correspondence, telephone call notes, and/or text messages including WhatsApp exchanges) between the offices of Commissioner Reynders and Facebook Ireland Limited (Meta) conducted either prior to the meeting or subsequent to it.

Yours faithfully,

Samuel Stolton
Rue de la loi 62

JUST C4, Justice and Consumers

4 Attachments