Postal and email addresses of MEPs
Dear European Parliament,
Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:
I would like access to a list of all active MEPs in a machine readable electronic format (preferably Excel) that will include at least: first name and surname, MEP's offices email address and postal address. This information has been provided by to Xavier Dutoit on January 26, 2014 with regards to the previous list of MEPs.
Yours faithfully,
William Cox
Dear Mr Cox,
Regarding you request of access to a list of all active MEPs in a machine
readable form, please see link below :
This format was updated for the last time on 24/05/2018. For the current
situation, please check
On the top right you will find a "real time situation" XML list.
Kind regards
European Parliament
Directorate-General for the
Interinstitutional Affairs and
Legislative Coordination
[4][European Parliament request email]
Dear AccesDocs,
I'm very sorry but that was not what I asked for. Please could I have a list of the postal addresses (that's the part you must have glided over) of all the active MEPs in an excel document? You just sent me a list of all the MEPs, which I could have found on the website.
Yours sincerely,
William Cox
Dear Mr Cox
Parliament would like to inform you that the scope of
Regulation 1049/2001, as defined in its Article 2(3), extends only to
documents held by an institution.
It is necessary thus, according to well-established case-law, to maintain
a distinction between the concept of a document and that of information,
for the purposes of applying Regulation 1049/2001.
Indeed, the General Court establishes that information may be
distinguished from a document, in so far as information is defined as a
data element that may appear in one or more documents. In that respect,
since none of the provisions of Regulation 1049/2001 deals with the right
of access to information as such, it cannot be inferred that the public’s
right of access to an institution document implies a duty on the part of
the institution to reply to any request for information from an
Regarding your last message, in which you request from us to provide you
with a list of the postal addresses of all the active MEPs in an excel
document, please note that that document exist but only updated to 8
February 2018 and it was provided to you in our previous reply. We give
you the link again for your convenience:
The lists are not updated since May 2018, as all the information,
including the postal address, is available on the MEPs personal pages on
europarl. On the other hand, those personal pages are kept up-to-date.
The fact that you ask us to provide you with an updated list with the
postal address of the MEPs amounts in practice to create an ad hoc
document for your application. In this regard, Parliament informs you that
the Court considers that the right of access to documents
held by the institutions within the meaning of Article 2(3) of Regulation
1049/2001 applies only to existing documents in the possession of the
institution concerned. Therefore, an application for access to documents
that would require the institution to create a new document, even if that
document were based on information already appearing in existing documents
held by it, does not fall within the scope of Regulation 1049/2001. This
conclusion is implicitly confirmed by Article 10(3) of Regulation
1049/2001 that stipulates that documents to which access is granted have
to be supplied in an existing version and format.
Therefore, please be informed that Parliament’s duty under Regulation
1049/2001 ends
here and it is not bound to change an existing document by adding
additional information or create a new one in order to meet the needs of a
given applicant.
On this basis, Parliament considers your request as handled and the file
closed. Please do not hesitate to come back to us, should you have any new
request for specific Parliament documents.
Kind regards
European Parliament
Directorate-General for the
Interinstitutional Affairs and
Legislative Coordination
[3][European Parliament request email]