Preparation of 2 speaking events of Prince Charles in the European Parliament

The request was successful.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

The correspondence and documents for the planning and execution (including all invoices) of the 2 Prince Charles' "Global Warming/Climate Change/Low Carbon" lobbying events, in February 2008 and February 2011, between the European Parliament, its Members and Staff (including MEP assistants), liaison correspondence with the Commission, Council, UK Permanent Rep. to the EU, on the one hand and on the other hand: the Centre, Edelman PR firm, "the Prince of Wales's Corporate Leaders Group", other organizing parties to the events (including all advisors (public and private) and consulting firms and/or representatives). Please identify the Parliament Staff and MEPs that were responsible for the idea, organization, support, planning, and execution of these "global warming/climate change" alarmist lobbying events.

Yours faithfully,

Saaul Bishop

Registre, European Parliament

Dear Sir,

We acknowledge receipt of your request under Regulation (EC) 1049/2001.
You will receive a reply within 15 working days.

Best regards,

Transparency - Public Access to documents
Library and Document Management Directorate
DG Presidency
European Parliament

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Registre, European Parliament

13 Attachments

Our ref: A(2012)13206/ MT/en

Dear Mr Bishop,

On 9 November 2012, you requested documents related to the planning and execution of two events held in the EP: one on Climate Change in 2008 and the other on Low Carbon Prosperity in 2011, co-hosted by the EP and Prince Charles of Wales.

Please find a list below of the documents and/ or links held by the EP regarding these two events (all documents are attached to this email in the same order as they appear in the list):

2008 Presentation on Climate Change

§ Press release
§ Draft invitation 2008
§ Internal Memo EP Protocol Services December 2007
§ Programme
§ List of organisations invited

2011 Low Carbon Prosperity Summit

§ Press release
§ EP Bureau Minutes - approval of seminar on energy policy (see page 10)
§ Programme
§ IMCO committee attendees
§ Speech by HRH Prince of Wales
§ Background note
§ Slideshow Presentation
§ EP Speeches
§ Speeches cont
§ Speech IIGCC
§ Thank you letter - University of Cambridge to EP President Buzek

We would also like to inform you that after verification, the organisation you refer to, Edelman, is registered on the EU Transparency Register. You can find more information about this organisation and their work in relation to the EU legislative process here:

We hope this was helpful.

Kind regards,

Transparency - Public Access to documents
Library and Document Management Directorate
DG Presidency
European Parliament

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Registre, European Parliament

Please find the link of Bureau minutes here, as it did not appear correctly in the first message:


Transparency - Public Access to documents
Library and Document Management Directorate
DG Presidency
European Parliament

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Registre, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Bureau minutes attached of 17/01/2011

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