Dear Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

-All correspondence (letters, emails, etc) and minutes of meetings (or any other reports of such meetings) where the EU criteria for the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (more info to be found here: ) were discussed between officials of the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU and representatives of (one or more of) the following companies/organizations:

-Dow Chemical
-DowDuPont (after merger)
-European Crop Protection Association (ECPA)
-European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)

(between June 1st 2016 and August 1st 2018).

Do not hesitate to get back to me should you need any further information which could facilitate your research.

Kind regards,
Vincent Harmsen

Postal address:
Redactie OneWorld
t.a.v. Vincent Harmsen
De Ruijterkade 128
1011 AC Amsterdam

Tairi Täht, Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU

Dear Mr Harmsen

The Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU does not have any officially registered correspondence with the referred organisations regarding this topic. There was a meeting held on the premises of the permanent representation on 10.03.2017 with the representatives of Cefic and ECPA to discuss the issue you refer to, however no official minutes of the meeting exist. Also, we note that Regulation 1049/2001 does not apply to the information requested.

Best regards,

Tairi Täht
Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU
Counsellor for Health Affairs

+32 2 227 3926 | Rue Guimard 11/13, 1040 Brussels

*** TÄHELEPANU *** See e-kiri (kaasa arvatud manused) on mõeldud ainult e-kirja adressaatidele ning võib sisaldada ametialaseks kasutamiseks ettenähtud teavet. Teavet ei tohi ilma saatja selgelt väljendatud loata edasi saata ega mistahes viisil kõrvalistele isikutele avaldada. Juhul, kui Te olete saanud käesoleva e-kirja eksituse tõttu, palun teavitage sellest kohe saatjat ning kustutage e-kiri oma arvutist.
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Tairi Täht, Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU

Dear Mr Harmsen

The Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU does not have any officially registered correspondence with the referred organisations regarding this topic. There was a meeting held on the premises of the permanent representation on 10.03.2017 with the representatives of Cefic and ECPA to discuss the issue you refer to, however no official minutes of the meeting exist. Also, we note that Regulation 1049/2001 does not apply to the information requested.

Best regards,

Tairi Täht
Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU
Counsellor for Health Affairs

+32 2 227 3926 | Rue Guimard 11/13, 1040 Brussels

*** TÄHELEPANU *** See e-kiri (kaasa arvatud manused) on mõeldud ainult e-kirja adressaatidele ning võib sisaldada ametialaseks kasutamiseks ettenähtud teavet. Teavet ei tohi ilma saatja selgelt väljendatud loata edasi saata ega mistahes viisil kõrvalistele isikutele avaldada. Juhul, kui Te olete saanud käesoleva e-kirja eksituse tõttu, palun teavitage sellest kohe saatjat ning kustutage e-kiri oma arvutist.
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