request to access dcouments recieved by EP in 2013
Dear European Parliament,
In line with the right of access to EU documents as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I hereby writing to request access to all documents/records providing a detailed list of all the access to documents requests received by your institution in the first 8 months of year 2013, which should indicate in particular:
- The subject of the request made (i.e. the specific document(s)/record(s) requested);
- The type of requestor;
- If the request was submitted/received (online form, direct email, via specialized websites, phone, mail or other);
- The initial decision on the request, including the basis upon which any refusals to grant access were made (prior to any confirmatory applications);
A similar list was submitted for the previous years here:
I however narrowed my request to the points I am interested.
Yours faithfully,
A.J. Ross
We acknowledge receipt of your request. You will receive a reply from
our side within 15 working days
Best regards,
Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit
Directorate C - DG Presidency
European Parliament
Dear Mr Ross,
Please find attached the reply from the European Parliament to your
request concerning "documents/records providing a detailed list of all
the access to documents requests received by the European Parliament in
the first 8 months of year 2013"
Yours sincerely,
Transparency - Public Access to documents Unit
Directorate C - DG Presidency
European Parliament
Dear Registre,
Thank you very much for response. Very useful and much appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
A.J. Ross
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documents/records providing a detailed list of all
the access to documents requests received by the European Parliament in the first 8 months of year 2013