restore access to existing XML files

The request was partially successful.

Dear European Parliament,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting the information on the MEPs' activities provided in the machine-readable format.

According to the Secretary-General of the European Parliament letter (A(2014)247-SG-EN) the European Parliament has been providing access to the data on all activities of the Members of the European Parliament in the machine-readable format since 2014.

In particular, the letter mentioned the following URL:

The very same link is still discoverable via Google search (but not accessible).

The URL used to allow data queries, for instance, like this:

The resulting data contributed to better transparency and accountability.

However, the access has been shut down this November 2018.

Please, restore the access the above data or provide an alternative, stable link to the MEPs activities in the machine-readable format.

Yours faithfully,


Reference to the SG letter -

AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Selianko,


The links you mention provided data on MEPs in XML, not on parliamentary
activities. These links have been replaced by new ones following the
November 2018 release. For example, has

Our next release in (mid-December or January) will improve the information
on some of these links further.


These links can be accessed via the Open Data Portal or directly on the
MEPs website.

a. Open Data Portal



b. Directly in our website ("Download in XML format" link on the top right
side of the page)





The Secretary General letter said that "European Parliament provides
machine-readable format data in two cases: "composition of the Parliament
and the parliamentary procedures" , as for example list of MEPs, RCV,
attendance list, as it is available on the Public Register of documents
and on europarl.


Kind regards



European Parliament
Directorate-General for the
Interinstitutional Affairs and
Legislative Coordination

[6][European Parliament request email]








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Dear AccesDocs team,

I would like to clarify the request. The requested files were those that included data about all types of MEPs activities in the machine-readable format. The JSON object that used to provide that data was the following:

where ++MEPID++ was the MEP id number, ++TYPE++ was the code for the activity type and ++INDEX++ was an index of the page starting at 0.

The ++TYPE++ used to include the following activities:
"CRE" : "Speeches",
"REPORT" : "Reports",
"REPORT-SHADOW" : "Shadow reports",
"MOTION" : "Motions for resolution",
"COMPARL" : "Opinion",
"COMPARL-SHADOW" : "Opinion shadow",
"WDECL" : "Written declarations",
"QP" : "Parlamentiary questions"
After your latest release, the same access is impossible.

Please, restore the access or provide an alternative.

Yours sincerely,


AccesDocs, European Parliament

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Selianko


Transparency Unit deals with access to documents. Your request concerns a
very specific IT problem that is completely out of the scope of Regulation
(EC) N°1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council
and Commission document.

The information received from our colleagues from DG ITEC is that the
problem will be solved after the next release in December/early January.

For further details, please contact the europarl webmaster.

Kind regards



European Parliament
Directorate-General for the
Interinstitutional Affairs and
Legislative Coordination

[2][European Parliament request email]





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