Dear European Ombudsman,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

Requirements and Ombudsman`s internal rules for issuing Special Reports following its investigations.
How many Special Reports were issued under current EU ombudsman`s tenure?
The list of own initiative inquiries launched under current EU ombudsman`s mandate.
The list of major cases handed over to the next EU ombudsman.

Yours faithfully,

A.J. Ross

Dear European Ombudsman,

This is a follow up on my request to access information and documents. May I kindly ask you to reply. Thanks.

Yours faithfully,

A.J. Ross

Dear European Ombudsman,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of European Ombudsman's handling of my FOI request 'Special reports'.

-this is a confirmatory application against the rejection of my request to access documents and information as envisaged in EU Treaties, Regulation 1049/2001.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

A.J. Ross

Euro-Ombudsman, European Ombudsman

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Ross,
Thank you for your correspondence, sent through [1], of 05
November and 16 October, relating to your initial request of 07 September
2013. We sincerely regret and apologise for the fact that your request was
not promptly dealt with. This is due to problems that we have had in
communicating with the above-mentioned website, more specifically related
to spam and 'rules'-settings in our e-mail system. We believe to have
resolved these problems over the last few days.
With regard to your request, please note that we do not hold documents, as
such, that contain the information you refer to. Your request is therefore
being handled as an information request. I will respond to your specific
requests one by one, in the following:
1. "Requirements and Ombudsman`s internal rules for issuing Special
Reports following its investigations."
The Ombudsman's practices in relation to the issuing of special reports
have developed over time, and we do not currently have a set of up-to-date
internal rules that correspond to your request. A general description of
the practices is given on p. 37 of the Annual Report, which you will find
online here:
a special report should be issued or not is very much based on a
discretionary case-by-case assessment of the Ombudsman. The European
Ombudsman's Implementing Provisions also contain a short provision that
refer to reports to Parliament:
2. "How many Special Reports were issued under current EU ombudsman`s
The number of special reports issued during the Mr Diamandouros' time in
office is ten. You will find the special reports here:
3. "The list of own initiative inquiries launched under current EU
ombudsman`s mandate."
In reply to this, I should first let you know that we have a list of own
initiative inquiries on our website:
[5] However, this
list is limited to what we refer to as 'systemic' inquiries, that is, own
initiative inquiries that are opened for the purpose of
addressing potential problems of a general nature. Below you will find the
full list of own initiative inquiries opened during Mr Diamandouros' time
in office.

20043684 OI/1/2003/ELB
20043685 OI/2/2003/GG
20043686 OI/3/2003/JMA
20043687 OI/4/2003/ADB
20043688 OI/5/2003/IJH
20043689 OI/1/2004/MHZ
20043690 OI/2/2004/GG
20043691 OI/3/2004/MHZ
20043692 OI/4/2004/MHZ
20043693 OI/5/2004/MHZ
20043694 OI/6/2004(AJ)MHZ
20043695 OI/7/2004/PB
20043696 OI/8/2004/GG
20051521 OI/1/2005/BU
20051628 OI/2/2005/GG
20051879 OI/3/2005/OV
20052906 OI/4/2005/GG
20053236 OI/5/2005/PB
20060102 OI/1/2006/TN
20060268 OI/2/2006/JMA
20060311 OI/3/2006/BB
20062174 OI/4/2006/JF
20062663 OI/5/2006/MHZ
20062958 OI/6/2006/MHZ
20063276 OI/7/2006/JF
20063759 OI/8/2006/BU
20063832 OI/9/2006/GG
20070240 OI/1/2007/MHZ
20070980 OI/2/2007/GG
20072857 OI/3/2007/GG
20072930 OI/4/2007/(ID)MHZ
20073174 OI/5/2007/GG
20073178 OI/6/2007/MHZ
20080282 OI/1/2008/(VIK)JMA
20082485 OI/2/2008/(WP)VIK
20082918 OI/3/2008/FOR
20090402 OI/1/2009/GG
20091189 OI/2/2009/MHZ
20091190 OI/3/2009/MHZ
20092646 OI/4/2009/PB
20100037 OI/1/2010/BEH
20100280 OI/2/2010/GG
20101452 OI/3/2010/GG/CONF
20100727 OI/4/2010/ELB
20100363 OI/5/2010/JF
20100519 OI/6/2010/(IP)PB
20101331 OI/7/2010/(IP)PB
20101418 OI/8/2010/VIK CONF
20102330 OI/9/2010/RT
20102458 OI/10/2010/JF
20102667 OI/11/2010/AN
20102704 OI/12/2010/BEH
20110321 OI/1/2011/AN CONF
20110891 OI/2/2011/OV
20111400 OI/3/2011/KM
20111144 OI/4/2011/AN
20111128 OI/5/2011/BEH
20111158 OI/6/2011/VL
20111889 OI/7/2011/EIS
20111848 OI/8/2011/IJH
20111852 OI/9/2011/IJH
20111853 OI/10/2011/IJH
20111968 OI/11/2011/PB
20112176 OI/12/2011/(JSA)JF
20112177 OI/13/2011/(JSA)JF
20112183 OI/14/2011/BEH
20120167 OI/1/2012/MHZ
20120543 OI/2/2012/VL
20120271 OI/3/2012/CK
20120245 OI/4/2012/CK
20120501 OI/5/2012/BEH-MHZ
20120734 OI/6/2012/MHZ
20120907 OI/7/2012/FOR
20120998 OI/8/2012/OV
20120999 OI/9/2012/OV
20121097 OI/10/2012/EIS
20121404 OI/11/2012/ANA
20121863 OI/12/2012/EIS
20121840 OI/13/2012/MHZ
20121890 OI/14/2012/KM
20121903 OI/15/2012/VL/CONF
20130707 OI/1/2013/ER
20130779 OI/2/2013/EIS
20131229 OI/3/2013/MHZ
20131546 OI/4/2013/CK
20131639 OI/5/2013/VL

4. "The list of major cases handed over to the next EU ombudsman."
This request is not quite clear enough to enable us to formulate an
appropriate reply. There are, of course, cases that receive more media
attention than others, but some may consider (for instance from a legal
point of view) that less prominent cases raise issues of major importance
too. If you wish to receive information specifically on what cases the
current Ombudsman considers to be the major cases that she took over from
the previous incumbent, please submit a new request that also contains
information on what you specifically wish to refer to by 'major' (public
interest, fundamental rights, impact on the individual complainant, or the
Kind regards,
Peter Bonnor

European Ombudsman
Peter Bonnor
Head of Registry
T. +33 (0)3 88 17 25 41
[6][email address]
1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman
CS 30403
F - 67001 Strasbourg Cedex
T. + 33 (0)3 88 17 23 13
F. + 33 (0)3 88 17 90 62





Visible links
6. European Ombudsman Home Page
mailto:[email address]
7. European Ombudsman Home Page

Euro-Ombudsman, European Ombudsman

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Ross,
We sincerely regret the various technical problems that we have had in our
communication with the website, and we hope they have now
been resolved.
Please let me know if our reply of 7 November 2013 satisfies your request,
and specifically whether you wish to maintain or withdraw your
confirmatory application under Regulation 1049/2001.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Peter Bonnor

European Ombudsman
Peter Bonnor
Head of Registry
T. +33 (0)3 88 17 25 41
[1][email address]
1 avenue du Président Robert Schuman
CS 30403
F - 67001 Strasbourg Cedex
T. + 33 (0)3 88 17 23 13
F. + 33 (0)3 88 17 90 62




Visible links
1. European Ombudsman Home Page
mailto:[email address]
2. European Ombudsman Home Page

Dear Euro-Ombudsman,

Thank you very much for information and links, which are very helpful. I marked my request 3398 as successful and my confirmatory application is now without object (it`s withdrawn). There were some technical problems in ask the eu, I noticed as well.

Yours sincerely,

A.J. Ross