Tons of waste in european seas

The request was partially successful.

Dear European Environment Agency,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

-The tons of waste found in European seas in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Which seas were the most affected.

- The type of waste found and the damage caused to marine species.
- The policies that are carried out in the countries of the European Union since 2015 to these days.

Yours faithfully,

Lorena Rojas

Info, European Environment Agency

Thank you for your enquiry. You will receive an answer as soon as possible.
Kind regards, EEA enquiry service.

Благодарим за Вашето запитване. Ще получите отговор възможно най-бързо.
Сърдечни поздрави, Информационният център на ЕАОС.

Děkujeme za Váš dotaz. Odpověď obdržíte co možná nejdříve.
Se srdečným pozdravem, Informační centrum EEA.

Tak for Deres forespørgsel. De får svar hurtigst muligt.
Med venlig hilsen, EEAs oplysning.

Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Anfrage und werden diese so bald wie möglich beantworten. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, der Kundenservice der EUA.

Täname Teid järelepärimise eest. Saadame Teile vastuse võimalikult peatselt.
Lugupidamisega, Euroopa Keskkonnaameti teabenõude teenistus.

Ευχαριστούμε για το ενδιαφέρον σας. Θα σας απαντήσουμε το συντομότερο δυνατό.
Με φιλικούς χαιρετισμούς, ΕΟΠ - Υπηρεσία αιτήσεων για πληροφορίες .

Muchas gracias por su pregunta. Le responderemos lo antes posible.
Atentamente, Servicio de información de la AEMA.

Nous vous remercions pour votre demande. Vous recevrez une réponse dans les meilleurs délais.
Avec toute notre considération, le service d’information de l’AEE.

La ringraziamo per la Sua richiesta di informazioni, saremo lieti di risponderLe al più presto. Cordiali saluti, Servizio informazioni dell’EEA

Við þökkum fyrir fyrirspurnina. Við munum svara henni eins fljótt og auðið er.
Kærar kveðjur, upplýsingamiðstöð EEA.

Paldies par Jūsu jautājumu. Atbildi Jūs saņemsiet pēc iespējas drīzā laikā.
Ar cieņu, EVA Uzziņu dienests.

Dėkojame už Jūsų užklausimą. Atsakymą pateiksime kaip galima greičiau.
Pagarbiai, EAA pasiteiravimų centras.

Érdeklődését köszönjük. Hamarosan küldjük a választ.
Üdvözlettel, EEA tájékoztatási szolgálat.

Dank voor uw vraag. U ontvangt zo spoedig mogelijk antwoord.
Met vriendelijke groet, informatiecentrum.

Takk for henvendelsen. Vi vil svare deg snarest mulig.
Med vennlig hilsen, EEAs forespørselsservice.

Dziękujemy za Państwa pytanie. Udzielimy na nie odpowiedzi, tak szybko jak będzie to tylko możliwe.
Z wyrazami szacunku, Centrum Informacji EEA.

Obrigado(a) pela sua pergunta. Receberá uma resposta o mais brevemente possível. Atenciosamente, O Serviço de informação da AEA.

Vă mulţumim pentru interesul manifestat. Veţi primi un răspuns în curând.
Cu respect, Centrul de informaţii EEA.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za vaše vprašanje. Odgovor boste prejeli v najkrajšem možnem času. Lep pozdrav, Informacijski center EAO.

Ďakujeme Vám za Váš záujem, odpoveď dostanete v najkratšom možnom čase.
S pozdravom, Informačné stredisko EEA.

Kiitämme tiedustelustanne. Vastaamme mahdollisimman pian.
Parhain terveisin, EEA:n tiedustelut.

Tack för din förfrågan. Du kommer att få ett svar så snart som möjligt.
Vänliga hälsningar, EEA:s informationstjänst.

Sorunuz için teşekkür ederiz. En kısa zamanda size cevap verilecektir.
Saygılarımızla, EEA bilgi merkezi.

Leeanne GALEA, European Environment Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Rojas,


Thank for your interest in the European Environment Agency (EEA).


Kindly note our response with regard to your request for documents
containing the below information:


·         The tons of waste found in European seas in the years 2016, 2017
and 2018. Which seas were the most affected.

To our knowledge, there is no direct study, which provides the tonnes of
‘waste’ found in European seas. However, if you mean tonnes of ‘marine
litter’ flowing to the European seas, there are only worldwide estimations
in this regard. It is estimated that more than 150 million tonnes of
plastics have accumulated in the world’s oceans, whilst 4.6 – 12.7 million
tonnes (from [1]Jambeck are added every year.


The EEA is currently implementing the Marine Litter Watch Project.
Dissemination and abundance of beach litter items can be found at the
project website:


The Joint Research Centre, OSPAR, UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan and
HELCOM also have information and beach litter monitoring data, which can
be found at:




·         The type of waste found and the damage caused to marine species

If you are referring to type of ‘marine litter’ found in European seas,
marine litter is found in macro (over 2.5cm) and micro forms, and at
beaches, the sea floor, the sea column and sea surface (floating litter).
Plastic items are the most abundant and damaging component of marine
litter. Around 70 percent of the beach litter are plastics in European
seas. Impacts of marine litter are harming marine ecosystems, through
litter ingestion, entanglement, accelerated invasions of non-native
species, and potential toxicity of released chemicals from plastic.
Seabirds, turtles, mammals and fish are known to ingest marine plastics,
mistaking them for food (Foekema et al., 2013). In contrast to
entanglement, the ingestion is rarely lethal and more often cause
sublethal effects, such as injuries and negatively affects fitness of
organisms (Rochman et al., 2013; Wright et al., 2013; Kühn et al., 2015).
Solely in the Mediterranean, more than 180 marine species have ingested
plastic, with the highest concentrations found in loggerhead sea turtles
(Caretta caretta; Romeo et al., 2015; UNEP/MAP, 2017). In the North-East
Atlantic, Northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) research also showed that
more than half of the birds assessed had ingested plastic (OSPAR, 2017).


·         The policies that are carried out in the countries of the EU
since 2015 to date

Kindly be aware that European environmental legislation is beyond the
EEA’s working remit. The Agency neither sets nor enforces environmental
policies. It is the European Commission which has the responsibility of
making new legislative proposals and overseeing that Member States act in
accordance with EU law. The role of the EEA is simply to supply all
Parties concerned with relevant environmental information.


Therefore, we would recommend that you access the webpage of the
Directorate-General for the Environment (DG Environment), which is the
branch of the European Commission responsible for European environmental
policy and legislation ([5] . You may
also wish to contact DG Environment directly, should the latter website
not provide you with sufficient information. Relevant contact details are
located at [6]


Furthermore, since the individual countries are responsible for
implementing EU policies, you may find it useful to contact the
responsible national authorities in the countries of your interest.


However, you may find below some relevant key EU environmental
legislation, which commits the EU and its Member States to improve the
state of Europe’s water:

·         Water Framework Directive

·         Urban Waste Water Directive

·         Drinking Water Directive

·         the Natura 2000 network of protected areas also includes
measures to minimise impacts on the species and habitats covered by Birds
and Habitats Directive

·         the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

·         The European Commission’s Action Plan for nature, people and the
economy, where in actions under the plan are expected to directly
contribute to marine conservation initiatives

·         Waste Framework Directive, where in the revision of the
Directive adopted in 2018, some new provisions with respect to marine
litter have been added

·         The Circular Economy Action Plan

·         The Plastics Strategy

·         The European Commission’s proposal for the Single-Use Plastic
Directive, on which the European Parliament and the Council of the EU have
reached a provisional political agreement


We hope this information may be useful to you.


Kind regards,


EEA Enquiry Service


Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Phone: +45 33367100

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