Type of drugs that affected the most to young europeans

The request was successful.

Dear European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction,

Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting documents which contain the following information:

- The type of drugs that affected the most to young europeans, ages between 12 and 18 years.
- Countries were the youngest starts to consuming drugs.
- The percentage of young people affected by drugs in the different countries affected by the European Union in the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Yours faithfully,

Lorena Rojas

EMCDDA Enquires, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

1 Attachment

Dear Lorena Rojas

Thank you for your enquiry and interest in the EMCDDA.

Taking the questions you raised in turn.

1.  For information on drug use amongst young Europeans, school surveys
provide the most appropriate source on prevalence of use.  Here individual
countries may complete their own surveys, and/or participate in
multi-national surveys.  The ESPAD survey is a good source and publishes a
very useful report, the latest of which is attached for your convenience. 
More information particularly on methodology is available at

In addition, the Health and Behaviour in School Aged Children Survey
funded by WHO is a source of information on Cannabis use.  Details can be
found at: [2]www.hbsc.org    

2.  As above.  The ESPAD survey has question on the age of onset of drug
use, which are analysed in the report and on-line.

3.  The EMCDDA collects data on prevalence of drug use, in the age range
15-64, which it publishes in its annual Statistical Bulletin. 
Here following the Prevalence of Drug use, Trends, selecting the drug of
interest, the type of prevalence and the age range you can find data on
the 15-24 age group.  Please note the data comes from specific surveys
conducted by member states.  These are not conducted annually.    More
details are available on the surveys from our website. 

I hope this is useful and thank you again for your interest in the work of

Yours respectfully
Vaughan Birbeck
EMCDDA, Lisbon

On 15/01/2019 13:58, Nelson Pombeiro wrote:

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