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Printed from on February 07, 2025 15:01
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Please find attached document Ares(2020)6999929 from ve_eacea.eacea-document-management_16.03.2020 (EACEA.R1.002) dated 21/11/2020.
Veuillez trouver c...
Dear Mr Selianko
Transparency Unit deals with access to documents. Your request concerns a
very specific IT problem that is completely out of th...
Our ref.: A(2018)4013
Dear Mr Selianko,
Trilogue negotiations very often take place between Parliament, the
Council and the European Commission so...
Our ref.: A(2018)2247
Dear Mr Selianko,
Your request for three letters, in particular a letter dated 16 May 2002 bearing number PE 318.273/BUR./REP3...
Dear Mr Selianko,
Since our last mail there have been a number of technical changes. Thus we may not upload the zipfile again to the same server.
Our ref.: A(2017)9385
Dear Mr Selianko,
Parliament has identified 43 documents answering your request. The list you provided to Parliament contained...
This letter follows our conversation on the phone. I would like to temporary withdraw the request A (2017) 3609 on "Letters to the Conference of Co...
Dear Mr Selianko,
please find enclosed the links to the Minutes of the Conference of
Presidents, published in the Public Register :
This person's annotations
None made.