This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 23)
Message from asktheeu admin team 05/02/2025
An document released via the above response has been removed due to a
personal data breach.
Regarding my request for documents with case number 2024/1541: thank you for sending the documents. I do however find it a shame that I had to go to...
Thank you for the documents registered under the case number 2024/2064. I find it a sad thing I had to go to the Ombudsman to get this small handful...
Regarding my request for access to documents sent on 09/09/2024 and registered on 10/09/2024 under the case number 2024/4695: On 19 September you e...
Regarding my confirmatory request for access to Commission documents for case 2024/2229, registered on 26 July 2024 about a meeting between Sinkevič...
I am writing concerning my request for access to Commission documents registered on 26 August 2024 under case number EASE 2024/4422 regarding text m...
I am writing to you concerning my request for access to documents related to the NPLG and the Transitiefonds, sent on 24/10/2024 and registered on 2...
Dear DAALDER, Jan,
Please find attached the electronic version of European Commission
Decision C(2024)6960 as adopted by the European Commission on...
Thank you for the Decision C(2024)6018 concerning my request 2024/3719. I hereby consider the case closed.
Yours faithfully,
Jan Daalder
Thank you for the documents registered under case number 2024/1214. I have used them for a short story for Follow the Money:
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to document...
Regarding case number 2024/1181: Thank you for the additional search, especially the broadening of the timeframe. I trust you have done your utmost,...
Dear Mr Daalder,
We are writing concerning your request for access to Commission documents
registered on 09/04/24 under case number 2024/1937....
It seems your replies are not being sent to the correct thread on
SIERENS Nicole would like to recall the message, "Reply to your confirmatory application N° 4/c/01/24".
Please find attached a letter from the General Secretariat of the Council
concerning your request for access to documents.
Yours sincerely,
Thank you for your reply. I will make a new request after 1st March 2024 then!
Yours sincerely,
Jan Daalder
Dear Mr Daalder,
Thank you for your message addressed to the Council of the European Union.
The General Secretariat of the Council...
Dear Mr Daalder,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 20...
Dear Mr Daalder,
Please find attached a reply concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2023...
Thank you for your swift reply. I'll wait for the info from DG Envi then. You can consider this request finished!
Yours faithfully,
Jan Daalder...
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2023/3627....
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to document...
This person's annotations
None made.