This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 600)
Dear CANN, Vicky,
Please find attached the electronic version of European Commission
Decision C(2025)1113 as adopted by the European Commission on 1...
*Message from asktheeu admin team*
Documents released by the Commission in the response dated 26 November
2024 had to be removed due to data pro...
Dear Ms Cann,
Please find enclosed the requested conversation list.
Yours sincerely,
Administrative support WOO
Thank you for the latest reply.
Yours faithfully,
Vicky Cann
Dear Ms Cann,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/...
Thank you very much for the documents.
Yours sincerely,
Vicky Cann
Thank you. I have received the documents for 2024/3011.
Yours faithfully,
Vicky Cann
Your message has been received by the Transparency and Access to Documents Unit of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union. All re...
Thank you for the extra documents.
Yours faithfully,
Vicky Cann
Is there an update to my request tabled on 2 July please?
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Vicky Cann
Thank you for the documents.
Yours faithfully,
Vicky Cann
Thank you - I have received the files and zips.
Yours sincerely,
Vicky Cann
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Vicky Cann
We are writing concerning your confirmatory request for access to
Commission documents for case 2024/3017 registered on 6/09/2024.
We are c...
[1]RE: access to documents request - PFAS lobbying since 1 April 2023 -
Ares(2024)6572232 (Please use this link only if you are an Ares user –
Please can you let me know when I will receive a reply to my confirmatory application for 'PFAS lobbying since 1 January 2023', 2024-0502, tabled on...
Thank you for the documents for 061/2024.
What is the approach of ECHA to requests for stakeholder meetings? I can see that some are accepted and...
Dear Madam,
We are writing concerning your confirmatory request for access to
Commission documents for case 2024/3369, registered on 09/08/2024.
Dear Ms Cann,
We are writing to you concerning your email of 22 July 2024, registered on
the same date in case EASE 2024/3015, by which you subm...
Dear Ms Cann,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/...
Dear Ms Cann,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024/...
Your message has been received by the Transparency Unit of the
Secretariat-General of the European Commission.
Requests for public access to document...
Thank you for the reply.
Yours sincerely,
Vicky Cann
Dear Ms. Cann,
Please find attached a message concerning your request for access to
Commission documents registered under the above case number 2024...
Dear aplicant,
Please find attached the reply.
Best Regards,
Ref. Ares(2024)4738764 - 01/07/2024
This person's 59 annotations
This is an extremely disappointing reply as key documents detailing the member states positions on legislative transparency have not been made availabl...
It's very disappointing that it took 1 year to receive the full reply to this
DG Environment has now responded to this request and the information can be found here:
DG Environment has now responded to this request and the information can be found here:
DG Environment has now responded to this request and the information can be found here:
Please note that this has been replied to via this response, alos form DG GROW:
Sec Gen is replying on behalf of several DGs in response to my requests on the new EDC strategy. Please see here:
Sec Gen is replying on behalf of several DGs in response to my requests on the new EDC strategy. Please see here:
Sec Gen is replying on behalf of several DGs in response to my requests on the new EDC strategy. Please see here:
While the PAFF minutes are publicly available, DG Sante has refused access to the voting lists:
I have agreed with Sec Gen that this request will cover lobbying since 26 January 2017.
This request is now being jointly handled with this request here:
UK Perm Rep replied to this here:
I have asked them to focus on one...
I have tabled a new request for the working group reports, now that the trilogue process has finished:
This has been answered here: Although not all documents requested...
DG Interpretation has now released the information we were looking for, but off-line.
As the Perm Rep did not reply via this website, I contacted them directly. They replied as follows:
Dear Ms Cann,
In its present state, Luxembourg l...
Redacted documents have now been received from EFSA.
This request was acknowledged but confusingly, the reply was posted to the wrong request. Reply expected 20/4/2016.
I have now made a confirmatory application to EMA to request these documents, off this site.
The message from the Commission on 30/3/2016 actually relates to this request:
EFSA replied by email to send documents almost fully redacted! You can read more here:
In the end I re-tabled a similar request to this one and I was provided with the report:
DG Energy has replied off this website. The answer is posted below for information:
Dear Mrs Cann
I refer to your e-mail dated 17th November 2015 O...
The Commission has now sent this information privately by email.